ACHIEVEMENT: Negroidhaven Is One! Hurray!!!

ACHIEVEMENT: Negroidhaven Is One! Hurray!!!

ACHIEVEMENT: Negroidhaven Is One! Hurray!!!

I wish to congratulate all executives of the pace setting virtual company,to wit, Negroidhaven enterprises. The Publishers of amongst others. We are in high spirit today as we are marking our one year anniversary today, the 3rd of December 2015.

No doubt, many have contributed immensely to this giant stride, worthy of mention is our Freelance writers, viewers, secret admirers  as well as our critics. It is said that all great achievements usually start small and is not free of challenges hence we are not to despise the days of little beginning.

To take a brief retrospect, Negroidhaven within this one year had gone through mighty waters spaning from her managerial structuring, de-structuring cum restructuring. Nonetheless, she stood firm and resilient.
For the purpose of records, Negroidhaven enterprises was born exactly a year ago from today in far away calabar. The vision of this blog was conceived by Mr williams Oyo-ita, who sits as the CEO of the company as he met minds with his old school best friends to communicate his dreams.

Actually many were called, they saw, participated on several occasions, gave their inputs but unfortunately could not stay through to witness this day with us as they had other commitments.

We acknowledge their variant contributions and hold no grudge with them , having realised that they are only helpers of destiny whose part and assignment in Negroidhaven had been fulfilled.

Without much ado, the name Negroidhaven was later introduced by Mr Efio-ita Nyok.. A philosopher per excellence, and a sociopolitical cum religious(constructive ) critic whose dexterity and wealth of wisdom remains unfathomable.

This name Negroidhaven is a compound word whose derivative etymology is rooted in the African abode of wisdom . Her goal is to create a niche as one of the most famous social media blog known for Truth.  By truth, we mean truth without adulteration.. Truth without fear nor favour.. Truth without any form of indoctrination, supposition, imposition or superimposition. The truth that must liberate Africa and the world at large.

In this age of ours in which many social media platforms parrade themselves with falsehood, grapevines, exaggerated stories and information, one cannot ask for any thing better than a blog other than Negroidhaven who will take the stage and create a niche via uncompromised True information in all endeavours ranging from politics to News, Education, Entertainment, society life ecetra.

It might interest you to know that statistically , in less than a year of existence and relevance, Negroidhaven blog did record a total of :
149,485 views and a total of 1,775  posts .

Like the Biblical Apostle Paul argued, we  count not ourselves to might have apprehended.. We are not resting on our oars. There is more to be done and that right early. The world must hear about Negroidhaven.. This we must make sure of it as long as life exists on planet earth.

To all lovers and haters of Negroidhaven blog, we say thank you for your immense contributions .. To borrow from  John S Mbiti's imperative ,” Negroidhaven is because you are, And since you are, we will continue to be”

Happy birthday Negroidhaven,
Hip! Hip!! Hip!!!

By The Secretary General
Nelson Amaobi Osuala
On behalf of the Negroidhaven family.
# Office of the CEO
Mr William Oyo-ita
#Office of the Vice President
Mr Samuel Ekun
# Editor in Chief
Mr Effio-ita Nyok.