Account Of My Stewardship As SA Cocoa Development, Control in Cross River– Ofuka

Account Of My Stewardship As SA Cocoa Development, Control in Cross River-- Ofuka


CALABAR – Outgoing  Special Adviser SA to Outgoing governor of Cross River State on Cocoa Development and Control Ntufam Dr Oscar Ofuka, yesterday stated that despite the harsh environment in which management and staff of the state Cocoa Development and Control operated in the last four years the department has recorded a giant stride.
Ofuka stated this while speaking with journalists in Calabar yesterday where he read some clauses of his handing over noted to the media men.
He said the department generated over 60milliom naira into the coffers of the Cross River State government  following allocation of hectares of cocoa plots to contractors in the last quarter.,
The outgoing SA stressed that out of the said   amount,  Etung Cocoa landlords communities had their share of what Governent had owed them as royalties for the land that it occupied stressing that through the Smartgov arrangement, the landlord communities have realized about 35millon naira as part o thier royalties as at May 24,2023 
Under the Smartgov platform, which has to do with execution of a consent court judgement, all the money paid into the governent account for cocoa allocation automatically splits into three parts, with 49.5 percent hitting the account of Etung Cocoa landlord communities, whereas 40 percent entering the account of Cross River State Internal Revenue Service IRS while 10 percent goes into the account of Department of  Cocoa Development and Control.
He said that eventhough what is being realized by the state government and the landlords communities at a moment, the money would help in defraying the debt owed the landlord communities right from the administion of former governor Liyel Imoke up to the  Ayade’s administiion.
While giving a  summary of allocation, under the new six years lease of 2024 to 2029, Ofuka stated that, total hectares available stood at  4,637with about 1,208 hectares allocated to contractors adding that 3, 429 were yet to be allocated 
“The propaganda sponsored against me in several  quarters by my Etung big brothers and uncles from Etung  Local Government Area of Cross River State the allegation that I  collected royalties meant for Cocoa landlord communities and diverted the cash into my private pocket is base on falsehood.
“I am one of the happiest man in Cross River State for the truth to have come out. 
“I was maligned, chastised,arrested, manhandled  like a common criminal and  whisked to Alagbon close in Lagos state and locked up  in a underground cell by a retired AIG   from  my LGA.Claiming that I had diverted the royalty money.
” Today the community have gotten thier royalty money. All were lies, they framed me up properly because I was hardworking.
Ofuka stated that payment of royalties to cocoa land lord communities was achieved through the a payment mechanism called Smartgov platform.
“Under the Smartgov, once a contractor pays his money for a plot of cocoa hectares, 49.5 percent of the cash goes straight into the bank account of Cocoa landlord communities.
On why he became so eager to implement the consent judgement issued by the court, Ofuka stated  that the initiative was to enable him secure prompt payment of the rent and royalties owed the cocoa landlord communities  right from the Imoke’s administiion till date stressing that it’s the only strategy to could relief the state government of the debt burden which has been hanging like a yoke on its neck so that Peace can return between governent nd landlords communities.
 The outgoing SA  enumerated  his giant strides to include, verification and image capturing exercise to ascertain allottees in the farm under the small holders scheme to check ghost farmers, recovery of unpaid lease from farmers, adoption of small holders scheme and rehabilitation of four estates.
He stressed that under the Ayade cocoa legacy ,the department  established the Akin/Osomba Cocoa Estate in Akamkpa Local Government Area, he raised 10millon cocoa seedlings and  planted  the  seedlings at Ayade Legacy Cocoa Estate at Akin Osomba.
On access road to the farm lands, Ofuka stressed  that  the department of cocoa development and control  acquired 7,000 hectares of agro-forest land at Etara and Ekuri in Etung LGA to expand cocoa programme under the CBN cocoa initiative.
The outgoing SA stressed that  under the Central Bank of Nigeria  CBN cocoa initiative  the cocoa and control department  acquired  ten thousand hectares of agro forest land at Ndeghe community with an access road created to the community and to the farmland.
“We graded access roads in the four government owned cocoa following plantations following the deplorable access roads in the estates” .
Ofuka maintained  that the department under his watch,  established  a demonstration farm at the Cross River State Broadcasting Cooperation CRBC Calabar, where seedlings can be raised.
The former SA to Ayade maintained that the department also created a data base for allocation where the data was used for debt recovery in the lease allocation  of 2016/ 2019.
He stressed that recovery of 32 hectares of Cross River State cocoa farm  land at Abonita  cocoa estate in Etung LGA of the state illegally ceded to private individuals in Ajassor community via consent judgement of court.
See video below: