About Justin Jedlica Husband And His Reflection On $1M In Plastic Surgery

Born on August 11, 1980, Justin Jedlica, famously recognized as the “Human Ken Doll,” has achieved global recognition due to his extensive history of undergoing numerous cosmetic procedures. Jedlica initiated his exploration into cosmetic enhancements with his first procedure, a rhinoplasty.

This decision was influenced by his teenage exposure to shows like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, where he associated body sculpting and cosmetic surgery with the opulent and glamorous lifestyles he aspired to replicate.

In this article, we will delve into the details surrounding Justin Jedlica’s husband, addressing questions about their marital status and his sexual orientation. Additionally, we will explore the journey of the ‘Human Ken Doll,’ Justin Jedlica, as he reflects on his extensive $1 million investment in plastic surgery.

Who Is Justin Jedlica Husband? Is He Gay?

There is no speculation regarding Justin Jedlica’s sexuality, as he is openly gay. He was previously in a five-year relationship with a wealthy businessman, whom he married in 2014 but separated from in 2016. The identity of his former husband remains undisclosed, but during their time together, they predominantly resided in Trump Towers.

Justin’s extreme body modifications were fully supported by his ex-partner. Justin revealed that he informed his spouse that his plastic surgeries were a turn-on for him. However, he later admitted that this was the reason for their separation.

About Justin Jedlica Husband And His Reflection On $1M In Plastic Surgery

Following the breakup, a heartbroken Justin Jedlica entered into a relationship with Pixxe Fox, who, like him, had terminated a previous relationship due to her obsession with plastic surgery.

Nevertheless, it seems Justin’s involvement with Miss Pixxe was brief, as he later appeared on the television show “Millionaire Matchmaker” in 2016 with the hope that host Patti Stanger would assist him in finding love. Unfortunately, his quest for love did not meet with as much success as his surgeries.

Expressing his admiration, he states, “I always idealized her look because she was famous for her extremely plastic appearance and her unapologetic ownership of it.” In a world filled with filtered images, Jedlica maintains a bold and unfiltered approach to life and appearance. When questioned about his dramatic transformations, he humorously responds, “How dare you? Don’t we all look like that in our ‘pre-do’ stage?”

Jedlica also acknowledges the inspiring journey of Australian personality Courtney Act. Reflecting on his fondness for Australia, he considers himself a “Sydney boy” who resonates with the city’s vibrant nightlife and atmosphere, drawing parallels to Los Angeles. Sydney has long been on his radar as a potential place to call home in Australia.
