A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

RADIO CANADA: A man on trial for the murder of his wife and children has begun identifying as trans and is being held in a women’s prison.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Mohamad Al Ballouz is currently standing trial in Longueuil, Quebec, for murdering his own family in September 2022. He is accused of killing his wife and his two small children, boys aged two and five, before trying to take his own life.

Prosecutor, Laurence Lamoureux, told the court that Al Ballouz killed his wife, Synthia Bussières, stabbing her 23 times, and then murdered his two little boys, Eliam and Zac. A news report from 2023 suggests that the two children were drowned. The victims were discovered inside the family home by firefighters who were responding to a fire alarm. They reportedly found Al Ballouz lying between the bodies of his two young sons, apparently having tried to kill himself by drinking cleaning fluid before setting the apartment alight.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
Mohammed Al Ballouz – IMAGE CREDIT: Radio Canada


Al Ballouz now claims a trans identity and calls himself Levana Ballouz. According to various media reports from the trial, he ‘presents as female’, and is described as being dressed in a woman’s plum coloured suit, wearing a wavy brown wig to his shoulders, and sporting varnished dark red fingernails.

At the outset of the trial, the prosecution counsel, Laurence Lamoureux, felt obliged to apologise to the court for referring to the accused as male. “On the day in question, the evidence will reveal the accused presented himself as a man”, he said. “So don’t be surprised if we, or witnesses, refer to the accused as a man. It isn’t out of a lack of respect or intended to shock people.” Because heaven forbid a man accused of infanticide and stabbing his wife to death has his newly acquired gender identity disrespected.

Judge Eric Downs also informed the court that Al Ballouz is incarcerated at the Leclerc women’s detention centre.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

In covering this trial, a number of media outlets have described Al Ballouz as a woman and referred to him with female pronouns. An article in the Montreal Gazette, for example, stated, “The trial of a woman charged with murdering her wife and their two children began at the Longueuil courthouse on Monday…” and CTV News reported that a “South Shore woman accused of murdering her wife and the couple’s children was in court today for the beginning of the trial”.

Mohammed Al Ballouz is accused of the unpremeditated murder of Synthia Bussières, the premeditated murders of Zack and Eliam Al Ballouz and arson. The trial is likely to continue for several weeks.

THE DAILY RECORD: A Glasgow high school organised a staff money-raising event to fund breast binders for gender-confused female pupils.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Bannerman High School in Glasgow sent an email to over 100 staff advertising a teacher’s coffee morning to fund the provision of breast binders to young girls who ‘identify as boys’. It read, “Teacher Coffee Morning! Pay £2.50 (or more!) to come along and have some coffee, tea, biscuits and sandwiches to raise money for trans binders for trans pupils! On 19 November during break!

A school source told The Daily Record that the decision to fund-raise for breast binders was made without consulting staff or parents. “Providing breast binders to young girls (who may not even have had any professional advice from a specialist) is not appropriate”, the source saidStaff would be paying money to raise funds to buy breast binders for young girls and we have no idea if parents are in agreement with this.”

It seems that the senior pupils organising the event came up with the idea to fund-raise for breast binders. However, the invitation email was sent by a pastoral care teacher and with the full knowledge of the head and other senior staff.

As detailed in The Cass Review, allowing the social transition of school pupils is ‘not a neutral act’. Actively encouraging the wearing of binders is not only irresponsible, it is potentially dangerous. The harmful effects of breast binders were documented in a 2015 study that detailed 28 potential negative outcomes. The side effects of wearing a breast binder include compressed or broken ribs, punctured or collapsed lungs, back pain, compression of the spine, damaged breast tissue, damaged blood vessels, blood clots, inflamed ribs, breathing problems and even heart attacks.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Bannerman High School is in receipt of a gold charter award from trans lobby group, LGBTY Scotland, on which we have reported frequently in the past. The school website even points pupils towards LGBTYS, an organisation riddled with scandal and allegations of child abuse which is well known for indoctrinating school children into the cult of gender.

When The Daily Record approached the school to discuss the objections being raised to this fund-raiser, it emerged that the school was backtracking on how donations are to be spent. The paper’s source commented, “They have still not told staff that it is not going to this cause. They have only changed their plans because they were rumbled”.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Also in the news this week, a college in Yorkshire is trialling a ‘gender affirmation fund’ to provided ‘trans and non-binary’ students with clothes and make-up.

The Sheffield College is a further and higher education institution which is spread over six different campuses. It provides academic, vocational and professional qualifications to approximately 14,500 students per year. There are a range of courses on offer to school leavers and around 5,500 of the college’s students are aged 16 to 18.

This week, The Daily Mail reported that the college is to trial a ‘gender affirmation fund’ which will offer financial handouts to ‘trans and non-binary’ students so that they can buy clothes and make-up etc.

Lucy Marsh of the Family Education Trust commented, “It is extremely concerning that Sheffield College leaders believe it’s acceptable to create a ‘gender affirming’ fund for students. Most students will be under 18 so they are effectively socially transitioning children, which we know from the Cass Review is ‘not a neutral act’. Instead of giving gender-questioning children and young adults money to present as the opposite sex, the college should be offering them counselling. Further Education colleges are meant to provide fact-based education for their students, not indoctrinate them with contested gender ideology which can lead to a pathway of cross-sex hormone treatment and surgery”.

THE DAILY MAIL: A founder member of La Leche League has resigned from the board over the charity’s indulgence of trans-identified males.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

La Leche League International, LLLI, the USA’s oldest breastfeeding support group, was founded in 1956 by seven young mothers. Their intention was to help and encourage each other and other new mums to breastfeed their babies.

Now LLLI has been wholly captured by gender ideology and it not only welcomes trans-identified males into its support groups, it normalises them wanting to ‘feed’ babies their drug-induced nipple ooze. The ‘Support for Transgender & Non-binary Parents’ section of the LLLI website reads:

We at La Leche League have all nursed our babies. If you want to do the same, whoever you are, whatever your story is, we’re here to help. LLLI is committed to serving everyone inclusive of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental ability, socio-economic status, political views, gender identity, sexual orientation, family structure, or other protected status.

Trans men, trans women, and non-binary individuals may choose to breastfeed or chestfeed their babies. You do not need to have given birth to breastfeed or chestfeed…

Trans women can use a protocol similar to adoptive and other non-gestational mothers and stimulate their milk supply: it is called the Newman-Goldfarb protocol…Transfeminine nursing parents may also need to take the hormone spironolactone to suppress their testosterone.”

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
Six of the La Leche League founding members – IMAGE CREDIT: Milli Hill


94-year-old Marian Tompson was one of LLLI’s seven founder members. This week she resigned from the board of directors, describing the organisation as ‘a travesty of my original intent’. Her resignation letter stated:

From an organisation with the specific mission of supporting biological women who want to give their babies the best start in life by breastfeeding them, LLL’s focus has subtly shifted to include men who, for whatever reason, want to have the experience of breastfeeding, despite no careful long-term research on male lactation and how that may affect the baby. This shift from following the norms of nature, which is the core of mothering through breastfeeding, to indulging the fantasies of adults, is destroying our organisation.”

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

There was similar news from the British branch of La Leche League, LLL GB, this week with a senior member resigning over its adherence to gender ideology.

The charity operates over 80 local groups in which a group leader and nursing mothers will discuss problems and issues – often of an intimate nature – arising from their experience of breastfeeding and exchange help and advice. Men have no business being there and no decent man would want to be.

However, around four year ago LLL GB was in the news for allowing trans-identified males to attend its meetings.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Helen Lloyd, the then chair of LLL GB, told The Daily Mail that the group leaders would never question a member’s ‘gender identity’ and that the charity’s policy of inclusivity means male attendees will not be challenged at its meetings. You know, the meetings at which new mothers discuss intimate issues and breastfeed their babies.

This week Miriam Main, a trustee and PR director, has resigned from LLL GB, stating that she will not help biological men to ‘perform a poor imitation of breastfeeding’ which puts the safety of babies at risk.

There is a lack of scientific study on the side effects of infants ingesting the drug-induced lactational fluid of males. One medical expert told The Daily Mail, “There have been very few publications and the vast majority have not looked at what’s in the milk itself”. Furthermore, this clinician also commented on how little fluid – ‘barely enough for a single feed’ – is produced by induced male ‘lactation’.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

In July last year, US clinician, Talia Nava, analysed the information available on artificially drug-induced lactation fluid in males to determine whether or not it is safe and healthy for infants to consume. She concluded that it is not:

Given all the available data on the amount of milk produced as well as the lack of studies on the safety of these medications at such high doses, it is safe to say there is no sufficient evidence to prove transwomen [sic] can safely breastfeed an infant. Transwomen [sic] cannot produce enough to give adequate nutrition and the unknown dangers to the infant from the medications is not worth the risk.

But even further, it is concerning that it was of great importance that breastfeeding was affirming for the transwoman [sic]. Breastfeeding is about providing nutrition and immunity benefits to the infant. It should be concerning to everyone that affirmation is addressed at all. Given the risk to the infant, the ethical question must be asked: is a transwoman [sic] nursing really about feeding the infant, or is it about feeding the dysphoria?

Of course, we already know what sort of man would be prepared to take such risks with an infant’s health in order to validate his own ‘gender identity’. Look no further than this account by trans-identified male, Dana Fried, in which he describes ‘feeding’ his baby daughter immediately after his wife had given birth.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Dana Fried


When my baby attached to my breast, there was an incredible chemical cascade that ran through my entire body like lightning. Imagine the most electric thing a partner has ever done to you, then multiply it by 10… And yeah, I kind of got off on it. Don’t judge.

I might have been my daughter’s sperm donor, but breastfeeding was how I knew I was going to be a mom. It validated my womanhood as much as any surgery ever could.”

This is the sort of man La Leche League is prioritising over the new mothers who really need its help.

REDUXX: A trans-identified male paedophile who raped a three-month-old baby assaulted a woman in prison, fracturing her ribs.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Adam Laboucan is from Quesnel in BC, Canada. As a child he was linked to the drowning of a three-year-old boy in 1993. Although no charges were ever brought and the death was ruled an accident, Laboucan later admitted to killing the toddler, according to a CBC news report.

Laboucan was 15 years old when he raped a 3-month-old baby boy. He had been hired to care for the infant as a babysitter but, instead, he caused injuries so severe that the baby required reconstructive surgery. He was convicted of the crime, aged seventeen, in 1999, making him Canada’s youngest ever designated dangerous offender. He was given a rare indeterminate sentence.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
Adam Laboucan as a teenager – IMAGE CREDIT: Toronto Sun


At his trial, forensic psychiatrist, Dr Ian Postnikoff, told the court that Laboucan believed himself to be a danger to the public. “He said he was not planning a life of crime, but he felt he had no way to control the flood of violent, murderous fantasies.

Following his incarceration, Laboucan began ‘identifying as a woman’ and calling himself Tara Desousa. In a 2018 dating profile on the Canadian Inmates Connect website, Laboucan described himself as a ‘transgender woman’ and boasted of having breast implants and a ‘vagina, not a penis’.

Thanks to his change in ‘gender identity’, Laboucan was moved to the female estate and incarcerated in the Fraser Valley Institution for Women (FVI). This facility includes a minimum-security annexe for mothers and young children. Shortly after his move there in around 2017 he attacked a female inmate, throwing her to the ground, kicking her in the face and fracturing her ribs.

Heather Mason, a Canadian advocate for the rights of incarcerated women, told Reduxx of the conversations she has had with women being held in Fraser Valley. One inmate told her that Laboucan was being housed in accommodation adjacent to the mother and baby unit and said that he took a keen interest in the children there. She said that he was constantly loitering around the unit and staring into the windows.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
‘Tara Desousa’ (Adam Laboucan) – IMAGE CREDIT: Reduxx


Of course, Laboucan’s disturbing behaviour was extremely distressing to the women of Fraser Valley. One inmate, defending another woman and her baby, confronted him. She called him a ‘paedophile’ (which he is) and demanded he stop behaving in such a threatening way. Laboucan attacked the woman. He picked her up and threw her to the ground then charged at her. After the prison guards had intervened, the woman was punished for ‘inciting’ the assault.

A witness to this assault, who is known as Angela, has now come forward to speak to Reduxx. “[She] actually had broken ribs. I was on the inmate committee at that time, and the guards wouldn’t do anything except blame the woman for instigating the fight because she called Tara a paedophile”, Angela told them.

She also recounted a second incident she witnessed in 2020. Another trans-identified male inmate known as Coco Tallulah attacked a pregnant woman, beating her so brutally that she suffered a miscarriage. Tallulah was transferred back to a male prison in 2021.

Angela told Reddux, “As a mother who had her child in prison, I feel that having all these sexual predators there with babies and kids is insane… The violence that happens to women from these men in jail is ridiculous. The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) doesn’t do anything to stop it and blames the women as aggressors in almost every situation.

THE DAILY MAIL: A trans-identified male is accused of killing the woman who gave him a home and of then stashing her body in the freezer.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

68-year-old Monique Gilbertson was found dead in her Las Vegas home on 6th November by police officers carrying out a welfare check. Her body was in the freezer.

For several weeks prior to her death, Gilbertson shared her home with a trans-identified male, 37 year old Jazlynn (formerly Daniel) Roush. The pair had met while shopping in Home Depot and engaged in conversation. Gilbertson offered Roush a place to live and invited him to move in with her.

On his social media profile, Roush describes himself as, “A trans female just trying to find my place in this world”.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Jazlynn (formerly Daniel) Roush – IMAGE CREDIT: Facebook


Las Vegas police received a phone call from an office manager at the property where Monique Gilbertson’s mobile home was located. The caller reported that they hadn’t seen her since 22nd October and that they were concerned about her. Police officers visited Gilbertson’s residence and discovered her dead body in the freezer.

In interviews, Roush said that he had found Gilbertson dead about a week before Halloween and claimed that he had put her body in the freezer because he didn’t know what else to do. However, there were inconsistencies in his story; he initially claimed that he found Gilbertson’s body on a chair in the dining room, but later maintained that he had found her in a different room altogether.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
Monique Gilbertson


Roush’s estranged wife told police that Gilbertson died of a drugs overdose in Roush’s presence and that he had sold her a fentanyl-laced line of cocaine. Police found cocaine, methamphetamine, fentanyl, a digital scale and a razor during a search of the property. Blood stains were also discovered by the freezer. Investigators believe that Roush had lived in the residence for about two weeks while Gilbertson’s dead body was stowed in the freezer.

According to property manager, Demecia Lopez, Gilbertson hated living with Roush. She had expressed concerns about his filthy habits, his drug paraphernalia being around her home and about her personal property disappearing. Lopez alleges that Gilbertson had asked Roush to move out and had changed her locks.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
Jazlynn (formerly Daniel) Roush


Roush was arrested and booked into the Clark County Detention Centre. Appearing in court this wee, he pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder. His preliminary hearing has been scheduled for 27th November.

When reporting on this story, news outlet, Law and Crime, described Roush as a ‘woman’ and referred to him with female pronouns throughout its article.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

As did Crime Online.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

But Jazlynn, formerly Daniel, Roush is not a woman and the crime of which he is accused should be properly attributed.

A police detective convicted of voyeurism offences used his mobile phone to film a woman using the toilet at the police station.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

46 year old Steven Colclough, a former detective sergeant, was convicted of two counts of voyeurism at Southwark Crown Court this week.

In 2017 he and his wife hosted a barbeque and Colclough filmed one of the female guests using the toilet by placing his mobile phone on a shelf in the bathroom. The device was discovered by Colclough’s own wife who was disgusted by the footage. The couple split up soon after the incident.

Colclough was working at the police station during a night shift in April 2021 when he was apprehended filming a woman in the station toilet. One of his colleagues found him holding his mobile phone up to a crack in the toilet door.

During his trial, prosecutor, Paul Jarvis, told the court, “The reality, on both counts, is that Mr Colclough derives enjoyment from watching women using the toilet, and in order to get his kicks. To watch them on the toilet, or to record them on the toilet, so he can watch the recording later, no doubt in privacy and for his own pleasure”.

Colclough denied the charges but was convicted on two counts of voyeurism. He will be sentenced on 16th January.

And he is exactly why women need our own spaces.

THE TELEGRAPH: Maya Forstater was subjected to a 15-month police investigation following a comment she made on social media about a trans-identified male GP.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

In June last year, Maya Forstater commented on social media about a magazine article featuring a trans-identified male doctor, Kamilla Kamaruddin. She posted, “The magazine front cover features Dr Kamaruddin, who enjoys intimately examining female patients without their consent.” She also shared a link to her own 2020 blog post about the doctor and his conduct.

Maya did not ‘tag’ Kamaruddin or direct her post at him. Nevertheless, it was alleged that her X/Twitter post constituted a malicious communication under the Malicious Communications Act 1998 which makes it a criminal offence to send any communication – electronic or written – that is deemed to be indecent, obscene or menacing, where the purpose of sending that message is to cause distress or anxiety to the recipient. The offence carries a penalty of up to two years in prison.

In August, Maya received an email from the Metropolitan Police informing her that she was “Currently being investigated for an allegation of malicious communications” but she was not told why. Threatened with arrest if she did not comply, Maya was interviewed under caution at Charing Cross police station. Only then was she informed to what the allegation referred. She said that she stood by her words, believing them to be true and not coming near the threshold required for ‘malicious communication’. A police officer asked her if she understood her comment might be viewed as ‘transphobic’.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
The social media comment for which Maya Forstater is being investigated – IMAGE CREDIT: The Daily Mail


The case concerns Dr Kamilla Kamaruddin. He is now the lead clinician at the NHS East of England gender service, but he was an East London GP when he ‘transitioned’ in 2015 at the age of 53. In 2017, Kamaruddin wrote in the British Journal of General Practice about being a ‘transgender GP’. He described his ‘transition’ processes but spoke only of facial ‘feminisation’ surgeries and voice alteration – “I had cheekbone implants, a hair transplant, voice therapy” – and he did not mention whether or not he’d undergone genital surgeries.

In this article, Kamaruddin also commented on the reaction of his patients to his ‘transition’, stating, “The new patients did not ask any questions at all because they either thought I was a female GP or it did not bother them at all that I was a transgender doctor”. He went on, “A lot of my patients were quite conservative — many female patients wore long clothes, or the hijab — but they allowed me to examine them despite my change. In fact, after my transition, they even allowed me to perform more intimate examinations that they did not let me to do when I was a male GP. Every single one of them refused my offer of a chaperone even when they knew that I am transgender”.


Writing in a 2020 Newsweek article, Kamaruddin said that when he first told his colleagues of his intention to ‘transition’, they had asked about informing the patients. He responded, “I told them that I would tell them myself”. As in the aforementioned BJGP piece, he seemed to revel in the reaction of his patients to his transition. “They were happy for me, congratulated me and some gave me nice little presents and cards. The more conservative patients surprised me the most because they embraced me very, very easily. Female patients no longer wanted a chaperone when I had to examine them.

Kamaruddin expressed similar sentiments in another article about his ‘transition’ which featured in Malaysian Medics International in 2020. Again, on the subject of informing patients, he told his colleagues that he intended to do this himself. “I would tell the patients myself of my new identity”, he said. He described returning to work following his transition ‘wearing bright red lipstick’ and feeling ‘as free as a bird’. He went on to say, “I had a fear that my patients would treat me differently as they might not agree with my new identity due to prejudice and ignorance”.

Again, he talked about patients allowing him to perform intimate examinations, even if they had previously not done so, and declining his offer of a chaperone. He commented, “It felt so good to be accepted as I am because as a doctor, the approval from my patients was necessary…


Across several different outlets, Kamaruddin has talked about his female patients, many of them Muslim or from ‘conservative backgrounds’, who allowed him to carry out intimate examinations without the presence of a chaperone. He spoke of this as an extremely positive and validating experience… for him.

In her 2020 blog post, ‘A Question of Consent’, Maya Forstater questioned whether Kamaruddin’s patients were ‘really empowered’ to say ‘no’ to being intimately examined and to refuse a chaperone, given that their doing so may have been viewed as ‘prejudice and ignorance’, and especially if the question was put to them by Kamaruddin himself. If their apparent acceptance of him as a woman was celebrated as a sign of positive affirmation, how could they feel able to say “No”. She asked, “Is it appropriate for a medical practice to see the role of staff and patients as being to validate a doctor’s gender identity with complements, unquestioning acceptance and a letting down of personal sexual and religious boundaries?

She also questioned whether or not it is appropriate for the ‘transitioning person’ to decide unilaterally that they alone will explain their new trans status to their patients and she pointed to the lack of any safeguarding procedures for patients put in place at the practice.


It was to this blog post Maya linked when she made her so-called ‘malicious’ comment on social media, describing Kamarudinn as a doctor who “Enjoys intimately examining female patients without their consent”. Her post resulted in a 15-month police investigation followed by a referral to the CPS.

In the midst of the investigation, Maya told The Times, “Despite my solicitor following up with written representations giving chapter and verse on the law, arguing that the investigation is unjustified and pressing for resolution, I remain under investigation… It was plain when I was interviewed that the police had given no consideration to the contents of my blogpost about Dr Kamaruddin.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Finally, after 15 months, Maya has been told that the case has been dropped, the CPS having deemed that no crime was committed. But the police waited two months to inform her. The CPS came to its decision in early September but the Metropolitan Police Force waited until this week to let Maya know the outcome. Posting on X/Twitter, she said, “15 months after calling me in for questioning about a tweet, and having sat on the CPS decision that there was no crime for 2 months, the Met bothered to call me up at 7pm this evening to tell me.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Writing in Unherd while the investigation was still underway, Maya pointed out, “Understanding that it is morally and legally wrong for a male doctor to examine female patients without their informed consent should not be hard… When a male doctor publicly boasted of intimately examining female patients without their informed consent, the only person whom the Metropolitan Police saw fit to investigate was a woman who pointed it out. The whole state apparatus meant to safeguard women from such abuses has now been turned against those of us who stand up against them.”

The Royal College of Nursing is celebrating Trans Awareness Week by using tactics of gaslighting and emotional blackmail to erase women’s boundaries.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon


This week, it being Trans Awareness Week (when isn’t it?), The Royal College of nursing (RCN) posted on its X/Twitter account to announce its 5-year strategy to ‘make nursing fully inclusive’. This tweet was accompanied by a clip of audio in which a clearly male nurse talks about his transgender status.

I want nursing to be fully inclusive”, he says. “If somebody doesn’t want to be cared for by me on the ward, people can say ‘no’. I feel a bit humiliated by it”. The text appearing immediately after this audio reads ‘Transphobia has no place in nursing’, implying that any patient refusing care by a trans-identified nurse, whatever their reason, is transphobic.

When social media users told the RCN exactly what they thought of their blackmailing and gaslighting…

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

…The RCN turned off the replies.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

The ideological capture of the RCN has been obvious for years.

In 2019, Lisa McKenzie gave up her job as policy officer for the RCN because her belief in the reality of biological sex provoked a breach of contract investigation and an intrusion into her life outside work.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Her interest in the debate around gender identity ideology and women’s rights led to McKenzie co-authoring a paper on the implications of self ID legislation. At work at the RCN she completed the necessary ‘declaration of interest’ paperwork, detailing the projects she was undertaking. She sent her manager a draft of the paper she had co-authored prior to its publication.

In June 2019, only a week after sending the draft article to her manager, McKenzie was asked to attend an urgent meeting. There she was told that she was being investigated for potential disciplinary action due to breach of contract and for failing to adhere to the declaration of interest policy. Fearing for her job, she removed her name from the article prior to its publication.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

She was interviewed by a member of the RCN’s Governance and questioned about her activities outside of her job. Eventually, she was informed that disciplinary action would not be taken but that she was to enter into discussions with her line manager regarding the ‘management’ of her external work.

For the next six weeks she had numerous meetings with her manager. Despite her asking repeatedly, she was never afforded an explanation as to which of her views were problematic for the RCN. Finally, her manager suggested she should reflect on her ‘values’ – ie her belief that women are disadvantaged and discriminated against due to their sex – and their compatibility with the RCN’s equality and diversity policy. At this point, McKenzie handed in her notice.

The two and a half month period during which I was under investigation and then subject to a vague and intrusive process to ‘manage’ my external work was the most stressful experience of my twenty-year plus working life… I know that many other women have had similar problems with their employers. I am deeply concerned that women are being harassed in their workplaces or hounded out of their jobs because of their views on women’s rights.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon

Two years ago, The Telegraph reported on the number of nurses quitting the RCN as they no longer feel safe discussing issues around gender ideology. According to the paper, nurses were boycotting their own organisation after its then chief executive and general secretary, Pat Cullen, had created a ‘hostile environment’ around the gender debate.

Cullen had made clear her ‘commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion’ in a blog post. Referencing issues around gender identity, she stated, “The ability to self-identify cannot be underestimated by those who have never faced these personal challenges. It is a fundamental principle of the nursing and midwifery code that people are treated as individuals and their dignity upheld, including avoiding making assumptions and the recognition of diversity and individual choice.

Her comments were regarded as an attack on those within the profession who believe biological sex should be prioritised over gender identity and many felt it they would inhibit debate on important issues.

A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November | The Liberty Beacon
Pat Cullen – Chief Executive & General Secretary of the RCN July 2021 – May 2024


One long-standing RCN member told The Telegraph, “I am quite terrified that because of Pat Cullen’s statement, I will be a target because I want to protect children, existing sex-based rights for women and ensure nurses feel able to raise concerns and discuss evidence. This RCN statement means those reasonable discussion points are not safe to assert and may be considered hate speech.”

Another nurse commented, “Following the statement made, I’ve cancelled my membership. Enough of my time has been given to an organisation rife with misogyny. The statement released by the chief executive has essentially endorsed the accusations of bigotry levelled at women like myself, who speak up on the sex and gender debate at great risk… It seems unreal that discussing evidence now in nursing doesn’t feel safe”.

And now the RCN is using emotional blackmail and gaslight to force gender ideology onto NHS patients. Inclusivity for all. Unless you’re a woman who doesn’t want their intimate care provided by a man, that is.

See you next week.

This article (A Week in the War on Women: Monday 11th November – Sunday 17th November) was created and published by The Glinner Update and is republished here under “Fair Use” with attribution to the author JL
