Somebody said that it couldn’t be done, but he with a chuckle replied. “That maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one who wouldn’t say so till he had tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin on his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackle the tiling that couldn’t be done, and he did it.- Edgar A. Guest.
A key factor one really have to appreciate with Industrialisation, is the fact that, its create a sense of completeness and project creative thinking. Create an immediate environment of its own and open up the horizon for deep imaginative projections.
The Garment Factory is a site of hopes, creating a new thinking line for any Cross Riverian who make it worth a while to visit. It is truly a model of a shift from the traditional dependent economy to a self reliant deep vision economy of progress and growth.
There is need if possible for our school children to make visits to site like this, as it will help reorient their minds, build in them a new ray of hopes, desires and faith in a future of participation.
Doubt is only a sin to the exposed minds, for the ignorant man is cut in between the positive and negative mindset of the exposed minds. A people oriented revolution is only won by determined, persistent powers of positivity, no matter how long it may take.
Today, with the Garment Factory, a true picture of the Rice City, Calabar Pharmaceutical Factory all beside and opposite the Garment Factory, gives a visualizer a true sense of direction and expose great ideas.
Conclusively therefore, we can agree that the main difference between the mind of today and of our great – great – grandfathers is that in their day conditions were comparatively static, whereas today they are dynamic. Most people lived and died in the places where they were born. They followed their fathers ‘ vocations. Predominantly in our clime, traditional Agriculture, Civil Service and today, Politics. Seldom, indeed, did most of us break out of the class into which we had been born. Almost as seldom did we even think of trying to. No wonder, then, that economic based industrial growth made little or no progress at all.
Today we are in the presence of continual change. We are imbued with that divine unrest which is never satisfied with conditions as they are, which is always striving for improvement. Our environments force on us the lack of industrial thought system, and thought is the vital force behind all this change. Visualising growth based infrastructures like the Garment Factory keep our thought system challenge to better improvements.
Governor Ayade, your Visions, Dreams and Ideas are divine and so divine Providence is giving you the wisdom to pilot us as a state towards a better future.
~Inok Solomon