A third type of magnetism confirmed

A third type of magnetism confirmed


Nanoscale detection and control of magnetic order are essential for condensed-matter research and magnetic devices. Breaking time-reversal symmetry in ferromagnets leads to internal magnetization, but this net magnetization can limit scalability and compatibility with superconductors and topological insulators. Recently, altermagnetism has emerged as a potential solution to these challenges.

Nanoscale detection and control of magnetic order are crucial for various types of magnetism research and devices. Typically, this involves breaking time-reversal symmetry, a feature found in ferromagnets due to internal magnetization. However, having net magnetization limits device scalability and compatibility with superconductors and topological insulators.

Altermagnetism: Scientists from the University of Nottingham’s School of Physics and Astronomy have introduced a new type of magnetism called Altermagnetism. This form breaks time-reversal symmetry like ferromagnetism but has no net magnetization, similar to antiferromagnetism.

Unique Features: Altermagnetism features magnetic units that align opposite to their neighbors, with the structures holding them rotated compared to their neighbors. This unique arrangement can be controlled in microscopic devices.

Advantages: Altermagnets combine the best properties of ferromagnets and antiferromagnets into a single material. They could make microelectronic components and digital memory thousands of times faster while being stronger and more energy-efficient.

Scientists uncovered a fundamental property of magnetism

Study at MAX IV: A recent study at the MAX IV international facility in Sweden used an electron accelerator called a synchrotron to produce X-rays. These X-rays were directed at the magnetic material, and electrons emitted from the surface were detected using a special microscope. This process created an image of the magnetism in the material, showing tiny features down to the nanoscale.

This discovery of altermagnetism opens new possibilities for advanced technologies and offers insights for future research in magnetism and device functionalities.

Journal Reference:

  1. Amin, O.J., Dal Din, A., Golias, E. et al. Nanoscale imaging and control of altermagnetism in MnTe. Nature 636, 348–353 (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08234-x

Source: Tech Explorist
