A short comparison between Nigeria’s and foreign Medical Doctors by Okoeguale John

A short comparison between Nigeria's and foreign Medical Doctors by Okoeguale John

John Okoeguale is a fresh medical doctor from University of Calabar, Calabar. He’s been a type that suffers the oppression from the abroad doctors thing. He wrote this short review after he’s experience with the lack of aura from those who studied medicine abroad.

John says:
Nigeria is a third world developing country yet our year-4 medical students are much more better than so called foreign trained doctors that trained in Ukraine, Russia.
A foreign trained doctor that doesn’t know how to set up a line, doesn’t know between the head and lower extremities which have a better blood supply… Akpaidem!

He rounded everything with this hashtag, #NigerianMedSchoolWithdrawnForeignTrainedDockeys.

We should try and work with our very own, that’s what will make this country to grow.