Joseph Umera|22 March 2016|6:50am
There are lots of noise in the world that can lead you away from who you truly are on the inside. So many pressures from parents and the people we respect most in our lives. Many of us were told when we were kids that we are good at so and so and thus, should go for it. Many ended up where they are today because of other factors like the financial relevance of their career, societal perception of people in that career, peer influence, etc.
I'm convinced that if one must make great impact in life, then it has to be in the area he/she is wired for. Many people have resounded and re-articulated this view but we are too forgetful and impressionable to our fears and insecurities. Thus, we allow them to drive us away from our true being and usher us into the seeming existing securities and their benefits, which for me, only end us in paths we were not meant to be.
Thus, as late Myles Munroe has rightly pointed: “the graveyard is the wealthiest place on earth because therein are people who lead the lives of others. Therein are books that were never written, songs that were never sang, companies that never saw the light of the day, employers who died as employees, and so on…”, we should let the dreams and vision in us shine before we end up adding to the wealth of the graveyard.
Friend, do not let external pressures and unchecked internal interest/desires lure you away from your GOD-GIVEN DREAM/ASSIGNMENT on earth. Do not be moved or shaken by your fears. One thing about fear is that it is illusive. Once you dare it, it vanishes away. Most times, what we fear most reveals our area of strength. The devil will not sit and watch you materialise your dream. Fear, pressures and other devices are his techniques for swaying you from your purpose. Stand firm and confront them and you will see the PROVIDENCE OF GOD.
Now how do we discover ourselves??? The answer to this question shall be given in my next post. Till I come your way next week, stay tuned.
Joseph Umera
Author of 'Why we Fail'