A Letter to the SA to Gov. Ayade On Student Affairs & Youth Mobilisation —By Abang Ogon

A Letter to the SA to Gov. Ayade On Student Affairs & Youth Mobilisation —By Abang Ogon

Abang Ogon|18 May 2016|9:45am


By Ogon Abang.

Oh God, take away this yoke from us, we promised in our national anthem never to put to vain the labor of our heroes past, but for our union of which many have put in a lot all hopes is almost at the trash can.

Michael my brother I never intended to communicate to you via this for, I have sought your audience to talk with you, but it is palpable that the activist Michael Nku Abuo we use to know is now a “NEW BIG MAN”, and is now a student in the school of thought that a “new big man must be hard to see”. At a point I was beginning to feel you were avoiding calls because you were trying to escape from those official responsibilities that comes with people seeking for financial assistances, but again I wasn’t convinced because I asked myself who could be budding Mike making him shy away from his calls considering that at the last check he was yet to be enrolled in the government's payroll.

Michael Sir,   I have also decided within myself that hence forth, I shall attach  Honorable, as a suffix to your name, because rumors has it  that you frown and hardly communicate with people who fail to add a sub-title of Honorable to your name and those who dare to address you as Personal Assistant instead of Special Assistant, though the first press release that conveyed your appointment to us clearly stated   “personal assistant”, maybe I have been caught in the case fire of falling below that standard, I won’t mind even addressing you as 'senior special assistant' or even 'special adviser' if it will put me in your good books.

Honorable Sir, hope I am not the first to tell you that you are performing abysmally poor in the daily discharge of your duties, hope am not the one conveying the fact to you that the union is decaying under your watch.

For 11 months now you are yet to secure subvention for the student body, I am aware that the land lord of the students secretariat, located at 5 Nyok Esu Street, is already in court laying claims for his rent, instead of rendering solutions to lingering issues, what you do every morning is to walk into your office and snap pictures, you even employed Egbelo Ntebri as your official camara man, you have turned yourself to a paparazzi, moving from office to office snapping pictures, offices that have nothing to do with your job description, never a day have we seen a picture of you at the NACRISS WW Secretariat  you have also developed a good habit of sleeping and waking up in the social media always making a noise about partisan politics not considering the duty post, maybe you think that’s what Hon. Hilary Bisong was doing that endeared him to the students and springed him to Cross River State House of Assembly.

Hon., just go into your room, lock your door, you alone, think, think and think again; ask yourself rhetorical questions and answer them, ask yourself if Gov Ayade wouldn’t be taking care of the students if Hon. Bisong was still the S.A., ask yourself whether Hon. Bisong achieved all he did by picture taking and noise making, ask yourself if all the good things that have come to NACRISS WW from the days of D.C  Enameh came by pictures or by struggle, score yourself and keep your scorecard.

Finally, Honourable, how do you intend to survive in politics? Via facebook? Or do you intent to register CRISPON Political party? Think it. Sir, this is a golden opportunity at your door step, facilitated for you by Governor Ayade. How do you intend to use it? To make a name or to make noise? Consider where you come from, consider that you won't be following Governor Ayade to Obudu, consider that you also need grass root followership. How long do you intent to continue with your social media politics? Don’t you think it is time you go back home? Consider all this and have a rethink, if you can't represent a boiling pressure group like NACRISS WW, then you can't represent no people nowhere.

Honorable Sir, this arrogant truth may sound bitter, but bitter pills are always medicinal take it, it will help you.

Abang Ogon
Is an Activist