A Dream King combo video send off for Street Fighter 6 Season 1

A Dream King combo video send off for Street Fighter 6 Season 1

It has been a very interesting year of Street Fighter 6. From raw Drive Rush shenanigans, Perfect Parries becoming really strong, and 2-touches, there has been a lot to discuss and learn here in the initial year of the game’s hopefully long lifespan.

While it’s only been just about a year since Street Fighter 6 was released, it has actually been seven years since I last made a full combo video, and making my return for the send off of Street Fighter 6 Season 1 just felt right. As we’re mere hours away from Akuma’s release and the big Season 2 balance update, here is a good, old-fashioned Dream King combo video to close out the season.

This combo video features a variety of different characters on the launch and DLC rosters. Series staples like Ryu and Chun-Li get their time in the spotlight, as well as newcomers such as Lily and A.K.I.

As is the case with a lot of combo videos, damage and being optimal isn’t always the goal. So, some of these sequences will definitely seem like their damage is far too low, but rest assured that there are other tricky things throughout that make the combo, at least, tough to perform.

For example, the hardest combo to record within this combo video easily goes to the JP sequence. Though on the surface it doesn’t look like anything too wild, this combo revolves around hitting on the exact same frame as the Overdrive portal spikes so that it negates their juggle property and keeps the opponent grounded so that the combo can continue — and the timing to do so is incredibly tight.

Overall, though, I wanted to celebrate the vanilla version of this great Street Fighter game with some wicked combos. Next up we have Akuma and the Season 2 changes, so expect more crazy combo stuff from me here in the very near future!

I hope you all enjoy this Street Fighter 6 Season 1 finale combo video. And if you watch it, allow me to say thanks!
