A Disappointing Governor and Busting the several lies of Shy Jude —by Simon Utsu

A Disappointing Governor and Busting the several lies of Shy Jude —by Simon Utsu

Utsu|4 July 2018 
Over the weekend, ace rights activist, Agba Jalingo was busy slugging it out with the Ebonyi State Commissioner for Informationn on Channels TV. The discussion was about the recent communal clash between Izzi community in Ebonyi and the people of Yala in Cross River state. 
Whilst Mr Agba was there in a private capacity —as someone eager for peace to be restored, the Ebonyi State commissioner of information was also there representing his state government. I understand Senior Special Adviser to governor Ayade, Jude Ogbeche Ngaji was billed to participate but pulled out in the eleventh hour for inexplicable reasons. 
First of all, let me once again thank Mr Agba for doing a yeoman’s job on Saturday. More of that Sir. Governor Ayade Benedict needs to tell us why his team shied away from making that appearance to tell the nation the efforts he’s making to put that crisis and the several other inter/intra state skirmishes to bed. Also, why has he proceeded on annual vacation when serious security issues are far from being resolved? So whilst he’s chilling overseas, Ukele community in Yala can burn to the ground for all he cares? How thoughtful is that? 
That program, was also an opportunity for Senatorial hopeful, Jude Ngaji to prove his capacity to the fast growing number of doubting Thomases. Most of us are no longer comfortable with his TV shyness. What is he hiding from us? Isn’t he articulate enough? Does he have a speech or any cognitive disability? 
On that day that he was supposed to be on channels TV, he was busy doing his Senate campaign. Pictures of him gifting a ‘widow’ a brand new jalopy(oops, sorry, car) were shared on the Internet by a number of his campaigners. 
Let me say one thing here, Jude Ngaji should have it in mind that on judgement day, we’re going to give account of our deeds and misdeeds —he should therefore fear the creator of the universe! How can he refer to the popular Mama G as a widow just because he wants to curry public emotions? Where is her husband’s grave? As much as we know, Mama G has never been married so when did she become a widow? And on to the other lie, why will Jude Ngaji refer to that accidented and refurbished car as brand new? You bring a car that was accidented during hurricane Katrina(2005) in the USA 🇺🇸, refurbished afterwards, shipped to Nigeria and used as Lagos airport taxi for 13 years before being reworked again and present it as a “brand new car”? 
Mr Jude please fear your creator! No wonder Mama G looked rattled and startled amidst all that charade!
Is a social commentator