A couple of new interesting glitches have been discovered in Street Fighter 6 after A.K.I.’s release

A couple of new interesting glitches have been discovered in Street Fighter 6 after A.K.I.'s release

Even after multiple patches / updates, a game like Street Fighter 6 is still going to have some glitches lurking in the code, especially when they add something new to the mix.

Gelatin recently shared a quick and interesting video breaking down a couple of new SF6 bugs discovered after A.K.I.’s release.

The first glitch shows JP unable to hit the new DLC character with his command grab special despite looking like it should land clean.

This doesn’t just apply to her, however, as Gelatin shows how the grab’s flag of not able to hit behind him seems to be running into an issue.

Instead of just doing what it says, the grab will whiff if both characters are facing the same direction with some examples provided like JP jumping over a parrying Ryu.

That’s made even more confusing with the second bug tied to A.K.I. herself where her Snake Step is registered as facing the opposite way from the character she just crossed under for its entire duration.

So even though she looks like she’s facing the right way, the game considers her facing the opposite even after the move has recovered, which can tie back into the JP glitch.

These bugs will hopefully be patched out in a future update and hopefully won’t cause too many issues now that they’re out in the open, but it’s still probably important to understand them if you play either of these characters.
