A compilation of the quirky and hilarious things we’ve seen in Street Fighter 6 so far

A compilation of the quirky and hilarious things we've seen in Street Fighter 6 so far

Street Fighter 6 was released over four months ago. Since then, we’ve had Rashid and A.K.I. join the roster as DLC fighters, minor patches pushed, a number of tournaments take place, and plenty of online clips surface.

As such, there have been numerous moments throughout Street Fighter 6’s lifespan so far that have caused fans to either laugh hysterically or give a bewildered look in confusion. In a recent video upload, Xuses has documented some of these situations that are sure to get a reaction out of anybody.

Whether you love them or hate them, throw loops are currently a big part of Street Fighter 6’s meta. Of course, this means that there will be a few clips featuring opponents getting thrown over and over again until their health bars have been depleted.

When Rashid was first released, a weird glitch allowed Rashid to extend the duration of his Ysaar Level 2 Super — giant tornado projectile — almost indefinitely. Though Capcom has since patched that phenomenon, it created some outrageous clips for the time that it was still present in the game.

There are also a number of clips featuring perfect rounds seen in the video. Who could forget the time that iDom achieved a perfect against a JP user 57 seconds into the round?

Check it all out in the video below:
