A classic Marvel vs. Capcom 2 glitch that was removed in the Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection returns via a selectable setting

A classic Marvel vs. Capcom 2 glitch that was removed in the Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection returns via a selectable setting

The Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics compilation has been very well received since its official launch last week. Despite the best Marvel vs. Capcom 2 player destroying folks online and leading them to request refunds on the product, overall, the assortment of classic titles seems to be a hit.

This collection did not come without its flaws, however, as some quality of life features were omitted and some interesting changes were made. For example. players noticed that a classic Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Juggernaut glitch was removed from the new collection, but it appears that it has since been restored by way of the game’s latest patch.

We originally learned that Juggernaut’s power up glitch was no longer accessible in MvC2 when content creator JMCrofts covered some of the changes and drawbacks of the new collection. Though it was not an intentional design choice for the character originally, Crofts noted that the removal of this glitch actually makes Juggernaut worse overall as a contender.

However, only a week after launch it appears this Juggernaut glitch is back, but Capcom went about restoring it in a smart and fascinating way.

Instead of just being able to recreate this glitch in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 post-patch, players can actually hop into the game’s options and manually enable it. As Nurse Lee shows on Twitter, you can now find an option to “Keep effects on tag” for the power up, and this can be utilized online too.

In Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Juggernaut has a power up move that increases the damage on his attacks. The glitch basically made it so that if Juggernaut powered up, tagged out, then tagged back in, he would keep the power up permanently.

With this new option enabled, the Juggernaut power up glitch is restored. It will be interesting to see if Capcom patches in other classic glitches and tactics in the future that may have been left out of the collection initially.
