A classic ’90s Halloween mask you likely had as a kid appears to be a gear option for Ghostface in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

They did it, y’all

A classic '90s Halloween mask you likely had as a kid appears to be a gear option for Ghostface in Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

The folks over at NetherRealm Studios and Warner Bros. Games have shared the latest look at the next DLC character slated to enter the bloody battle soon. Ghostface, the iconic slasher from the Scream movie series, is joining the main playable Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns roster next, and today a short teaser trailer provided some new things to talk about regarding the upcoming fighter.

While we didn’t really get a look at Ghostface’s actual gameplay this time around, the developers did add in several variations of the killer’s iconic mask which seems to confirm that this will be the character’s interchangeable gear item. Of the different masks that were shown, fans were quick to spot one that might look really familiar to anyone who celebrated Halloween and went trick-or-treating in the late ’90s.

The Ghostface killer made its debut on December 20, 1996, with the release of the first Scream film. It was directed by Horror film legend Wes Craven, who is most widely known for the Nightmare on Elm Street series featuring fellow slasher, Freddy Krueger.

Scream was unsurprisingly a huge hit, and it wasn’t long before Halloween costumes of Ghostface hit the shelves. If you were a ’90s kid and celebrated Halloween, then you undoubtedly either ran into this costume somewhere or wore it yourself. It was extremely popular, and the Ghostface mask has become iconic in its own right still being produced and worn on Halloween today.

If you were a kid back then and participated in the holiday, then you probably also remember a variation of the Ghostface mask that had a dripping blood effect. It blew our minds as children, and this “Bloody Ghostface” had two hoses connected to the mask and a small pump that you’d hold in hand, which you would squeeze to make the blood drip down the face and move around.

Doing some digging on the internet, I found that the initial costume came out around the time that the first Scream movie came out in late 1996. The bloody variation dropped as early as the next year, 1997, and yet, here we are still talking about it in 2024.

The bloody version is something many of us remember, and when Ghostface was first revealed to be a DLC character in Mortal Kombat 1 many fans wondered if we’d see not only the mask as their gear option, but if NetherRealm would actually put that iconic bloody variation from the classic ’90s Halloween costume into the game.

Based on what we saw today, it looks like that bloody variation might indeed be one of Ghostface’s gear options in Mortal Kombat 1.

In the teaser trailer, we see a montage of what appears to be very brief glimpses at the fighter’s Fatalities and what we’ve seen as their win pose previously. The character flashes in and out with several lightning strikes, and each time with these flashes we see the mask change revealing several of the different gear options we’ll be able to equip when the fighter is released.

From a devil variation to a metallic one, there are some really cool looks that Ghostface is going to be able to sport in MK1. At one point, we also see a bloody version of the mask that, though not confirmed yet, looks to also be one of the interchangeable gear options.

Now, it is possible that this variation shown was just the default look after taking some battle damage in the game, but considering that it doesn’t appear as though any of the other looks have any damage on them, I think it’s safe to assume that the bloody version is a standalone option you can put on the slasher.

Among the other masks shown we see one that incorporates a Scorpion ninja face mask over the mouth and nose, an aged version, and even one that appears to channel Baraka. You can find all of the mask variations shown in the new Ghostface trailer below thanks to CopperFGC.

Ghostface is joining Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns via early access on November 19.
