First results show Trump, Harris with a tie in New Hampshire town

First results show Trump, Harris with a tie in New Hampshire town

Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris tied in the New Hampshire township of Dixville Notch just after 12 a.m. on Election Day.

According to CNN, Dixville Notch is one of the first places in the United States to report its election results. The outlet noted that the small township, which only had six voters participate in Tuesday’s election, has opened and closed its polling station just after 12 a.m. on Election Day since 1960.

CNN reported that this year’s voters included four registered Republicans and two independent voters. Both Trump and Harris each received three votes in Tuesday’s Dixville Notch election.

According to CNN, the Dixville Notch community gathers at the dormant Balsams Hotel to vote as soon as polls open at midnight on Election Day. After each of the ballots is cast, the votes are tallied and announced well before other polls open across the country. As a result, CNN reported that the town typically receives significant attention from the news media in anticipation of the first election results.

The New York Times reported that the 2024 presidential election results in Dixville Notch were announced at roughly 12:12 a.m.

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Les Otten, a Dixville Notch voter and leader of the Balsams Hotel redevelopment project, described the town’s voting tradition as “a civics lesson for the country,” according to CNN. Otten added, “If we can help people get out and understand that voting is an important part of their right as an American citizen, that’s perhaps the key to what we’re doing.”

According to CNN, unlike Tuesday’s tie between Trump and Harris, Dixville Notch voters supported the Democratic presidential nominee in both 2016 and 2020. In 2016, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton received four of the town’s seven votes, and in 2020, President Joe Biden unanimously received the town’s five votes.

Dixville Notch voters also voted in the state’s gubernatorial race between former Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte and former Democratic Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig. According to The Hill, Ayotte received five votes, while Craig only received one vote.

Pictures of Tuesday’s early morning voting process in Dixville Notch have been shared on X, formerly Twitter.

