Some of the wildest custom battles fans have come up with in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

Some of the wildest custom battles fans have come up with in Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero was released not too long ago. Within the game, there are a number of interesting “What If” scenarios that unveils how differently the story plays out when Gohan keeps up with his training or Trunks participates in the Tournament of Power, just to list a couple of examples.

However, it’s also interesting to note that there exists a Custom Battle mode within Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero that allows players to tell their own unique stories. Though the functionalities of Custom Battle are rather rudimentary, fans have been… creative with the stories that they are attempting to tell with this mode.

Of course, there’s been this meme floating around that suggests that Base Form Cabba would be capable of overpowering even SS4 Gogeta. Since Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero is the first game in which these two characters are both actually playable, there are a number of Custom Battle creations centered around this supposedly epic battle.

Funnily enough, there are also numerous scenes in which characters act very differently compared to how they normally would. These type of stories appear to be more focused on humor rather than good story telling.

There’s another creation that showcases what would happen if Trunks sought help against Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black during the Dragon Ball GT timeline rather than the Dragon Ball Super one. It’s an interesting story that has Goku and Vegeta, in their SSJ4 forms instead of their Super Saiyan Blue transformations, fighting against the threat of Trunks’ timeline.

Finally, there are some interesting stories that are intended to give the player a real challenge. Through the Custom Battle mode, it’s possible to apply some interesting modifiers that make characters more difficult than they’d normally be.

Check it all out below:
