Fluent Japanese speaker attempts to transcribe what gets shouted during special moves in Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat

Fluent Japanese speaker attempts to transcribe what gets shouted during special moves in Street Fighter 2 and Mortal Kombat

Mrs. Eats, a fluent Japanese speaker, recently attempted to transcribe what gets said in Street Fighter 2. Additionally, she even tries to understand what’s said by Raiden in the first Mortal Kombat game.

As pointed out in the video, even though a character like Ryu is shouting “Hadoken” whenever he throws a fireball, it doesn’t really sound like that due to the technology limitations at the time. Regardless, “Hadoken” (or rather “Hadooken”) can be vaguely heard, but the same can’t really be said of the “Tatsumaki Senpu Kyaku.”

Though this effectively translates to “tornado spinning wind feet,” it actually sounds more like “dat dat doo get” or “how’s the shampoo, Ken!?” Needless to say, it was only really possible to understand what Ryu was actually saying thanks to the booklet that came with the game.

However, things get even more amusing with the first Mortal Kombat whenever Raiden performs his Electric Fly special. Ultimately, it doesn’t seem like Raiden is actually saying anything at all, but Mrs. Eats heard something… interesting from the sound clip.

It almost sounds “pai mae narae” which effectively translates from Japanese to English as “boobs, line up!” Indeed, this really changes our perspective of Raiden.

Throughout the video, Mrs. Eats also goes over kanji written in the background of stages, as well as highlights what Chun-Li and E. Honda are saying with some of their interactions.

Check it all out below:
