It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty Beacon

It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty Beacon

It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty BeaconCommentary by: Roger Landry (TLB)

What you are about to be presented with is not a bedtime story, and has continued to develop over about a five year period (since first publication). It may very well anger or even offend some (those most guilty). The truth is often buried or masked … regardless, it remains a constant, and to those who wish to ignore or corrupt it, not a pleasant one. Those offended by what they are about to be exposed to are the ones who need to understand what is being said the most, because this unalienable truth is … This is a Republic Of, By and For The People. If it perishes it does so by our own hands, and not by the actions of any tyrannical government!

When I state or quote this I get very little response or in some cases negative feedback … WHY? It is the absolute truth, no matter how hard it is to hear! We The People, through a major disconnect facilitated by our apathy, complacency, ignorance, or complicity (most instituted by the deep state), have permitted just about all that ails us to become reality … FACT!


I am constantly hearing how our leaders continue to pass bills that pile more debt on our backs and that of our children, that remove our civil rights and freedoms and do nothing to extricate us from our imperialistic warmongering even though they campaign on exactly these promises! Yet WE continually reelect these same idiots, and they continue to consolidate power over us. Just look back at the re-election rate of incumbents in this failing country from even the last election cycle, when so many of us railed against the known tyranny … the average exceeds 90% for all of Congress!

Remember this :

We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices…. Government has to make those choices for people.” ― Hillary Rodham Clinton

They claim to represent us but prove by their self-centered actions that nothing could be further from the truth! Just a little research by an involved or concerned citizen would show that their actions in most cases (there are some rare exceptions) prove to serve only their masters and themselves.

Term limits have been discussed for decades as a tool to get this evil and destructive monster we call our government under control, but has a snowballs chance in hell of ever passing in congress as it would short circuit their personal power, once again showing that it is NOT We The People who matter! It has also been discussed curtailing the access and influence of lobbying, or terminating it all together, basically stemming the flow of money for corruption to our elected leaders … HaHaHa what a freaking joke! These people OWN our representatives, so they will never cut off their noses to spite their faces, and to hell with We The People!

Cost of freedom

“Ours is not a fated existence, for nowhere is our destiny etched in stone. In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves. If the people want to be free, if they want to lift themselves out from underneath a state apparatus that threatens their liberties, squanders their resources on needless wars, destroys the value of their dollar, and spews forth endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we would all be without it, there is no force that can stop them.” – Ron Paul

Freedom robbing legislation like the Patriot Act and the NDAA rider, and Obamacare, just to mention a few (tyranny abounds in many bills) were passed by a majority of congressional members forcing tyranny (hidden in big important and benevolent sounding words like “PATRIOT” Act) down the throats of We The People … yet a vast majority of those who voted for this tyranny … in some cases several times, have been re-elected … in some cases several times … WHY … can you say disconnect or ignorance …

These are but a few examples of how We The People FAIL to hold our elected representatives accountable and in fact embolden them to commit more tyranny against us by not holding their feet to the fire, or just FIRING them in the very near future (election)! Are we that gullible, apathetic, ignorant, detached … or just plain stupid?

In America Today

The wisest thing in the world is to cry out before you are hurt. It is no good to cry out after you are hurt; especially after you are mortally hurt. People talk about the impatience of the populace; but sound historians know that most tyrannies have been possible because men moved too late. it is often essential to resist a tyranny before it exists.” ― G.K. Chesterton

YES, Americans as a society are highly ignorant of the inner workings of our government, probably the most ignorant and detached society on this planet. A majority of Americans are too damn lazy, or busy (???) to do the required research into how exactly we are each represented! Instead we place immense TRUST in the people we elect, wanting to believe they will know what is best for us and will always have out best interest as their motivations … BULLCRAP!

At any point in time, even a large minority of this countries population could have taken a stand to push back against encroaching corporatism or tyranny … it has not happened. Most Americans are blissfully and intentionally ignorant of the tyranny unfolding right before their eyes, choosing to maintain the mindset “If I am doing nothing wrong, this wont influence my life”, again BULLCRAP!

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ― Samuel Adams 

So the next time you rant about the abhorrent state or our freedoms and political conditions in America … look in the mirror to find the biggest and most responsible culprit … We The People, because at any point in time, an involved and educated people could have changed the path of America!

“Tyranny is always better organized than freedom.” – Charles Péguy

We are over 300 million strong, while they number a few thousand … and any real change for the better MUST begin with us recognizing OUR monumental failure in this long running experiment called America.

So shut your TV off, get off your couch, get educated, be involved and take America back, one booted Senator, Congressman, Governor, Mayor, Councilman or Bureaucrat at a time if necessary!

It is well past time for We The People to wake up, unite our voices and put America back on the path of greatness she has, through our neglect as the true stewards of this Republic, so egregiously steered off of. Please remember … This Has Always Been and Remains Our Duty

… and there is no better time to start than NOW with an election approaching!


Litmus Test

“The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” – Alexis de Tocqueville

Now please look at the title again and really think …


It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty BeaconAbout the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about fifteen short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of Roger’s published work can be found on the TLB Flagship website 

This Article was originally published in 2019, and was updated for republication so it could be used in conjunction with several recent radio shows.

Image Credit: All images are – Personal, Public Domain or Pixabay License.


Also by this Author:

TLBTalk Radio: Biden & America’s Ongoing Destruction

It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty Beacon


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It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty Beacon


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It’s Time For We The People To Stop Blaming Everybody … But Ourselves | The Liberty Beacon


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