Donald Duke under fire for hosting kids of super rich parents at his Calabar residence

Donald Duke under fire for hosting kids of super rich parents at his Calabar residence
Donald Duke in company with students of Olashore International School (L) and Donald Duke (R) 
Efio-Ita Nyok|23 February 2017
A former governor of Cross River State, His Excellency Mr Donald Duke has come under fire for hosting children of elite parents who paid him a visit from faraway Osun State in south-western Nigeria NegroidHaven can say.
On Monday 20th February students of Olashore International School, Iloko, near Ilesa in Osun State who were on an excursion to Calabar, Cross River state capital city paid Mr Duke a visit after the latter had delivered a lecture there a week before. According to Duke, ‘The two hours we shared proved to me that we indeed have hope for the future only if this great minds would not be corrupted’.
Donald Duke under fire for hosting kids of super rich parents at his Calabar residence
Duke who shared his experience via one of his political campaign Facebook page —’ISupport Donald Duke first President 2019′, enjoyed the commendation of many. However, one user by name, Osita Nicholas Tiko, frowned at Duke’s reception of kids of super rich parents. Mr Tiko who corrected Duke’s wrongful spelling of the name of the said school noted that the hosting of children from a school for elite parents doesn’t add anything to his public image. He therefore advised Duke to host pupils from what he referred to as ‘unkempt secondary & primary schools across Nigeria’. For Tito, the children only ‘visited a rich home in Calabar’.
‘The name of the school is Olashore International School, Iloko, near Ilesa in Osun State not Olushole as u wrote. Olashore is one of the most expensive & elitist secondary schools in Nigeria. It is exclusive for children of the super rich. The children simply visited a rich home in Calabar. Pls host children frm our unkempt secondary & primary schools across Nigeria. Many government schools lack basic amenities. Hosting children from high end schools will not add anything to ur profile. Those children that visited ur house will end up in the best universities in Europe & America & expensive private universities in Nigeria. Pls, host children frm government schools next time. Try also & visit government schools across selected States in Nigeria
Donald Duke under fire for hosting kids of super rich parents at his Calabar residence
‘… Good u understand. Showing rich kids around his expansive compound & expensive motor scooter or what is the most bizarre thing I have seen frm a politician. How much did he buy that customised scooter? I don’t even know what it is. I have not seen it in Europe. Yet as an ex governor he is entitled to more than three cars. Yet he wants to show off his opulence & expensive machine. I pity morons that are taking this Hollywood popstar serious. Nonsense.
Donald Duke under fire for hosting kids of super rich parents at his Calabar residence
‘… Am not persecuting Duke. I have no reason to. I wish him well. But we must speak. I tell you that Scooter can build houses for some ppl living in dilapidated houses in Cross Rivers. It’s wasteful in Nigeria. Calabar festival is also sponsored by government. How much is it generating for ur State. Is ur State beautiful?  Yes. I like that’. 
One Eddie Ekoli replied Tito thus: ‘That is a figment of you people’s imagination, even Christ was persecuted and crucified by his own fellow Jews so am not surprise at your comments, to me Donald Duke is a hero and will be glad to see him in aso rock come 2019.’
Efio-Ita Nyok
Is a Blogger, the Editor & Publisher of