Sparking Zero including Sean Schemmel, Christopher Sabat, and Matthew Mercer

Sparking Zero including Sean Schemmel, Christopher Sabat, and Matthew Mercer

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero has been available to the public for a full weekend now as fans from multiple generations are living the Dragon Ball experience like never before.

With 182 characters to start with (we have a few hunches as to who might be coming as DLC) there’s a massive voice cast behind the game. Meet the Voice Actors has put together a quick video offering side by sides of many of these actors and their respective characters.

The bulk of Sparking Zero voices probably fall under just two names: Sean Schemmel and Christopher Sabat. These two voice Goku and Vegeta, respectively, along with most of their variations. While Schemmel has plenty of Gokus to voice, Sabat gets all the Vegetas plus a handful of others including the likes of Piccolo, Yamcha, Shenron, Zarbon, Recoome, and a few non-playable figures.

While these two are easily the most recognizable faces and voices when it comes to Dragon Ball, there are a few other actors you may recognize from around the fighting game genre.

Kyle Herbert, the voice behind adult Gohans, has provided the pipes for Street Fighter’s Ryu since beginning back in 2009 with Street Fighter 4. Herbert has played Ryu in all Street Fighter games since, the Marvel vs. Capcom entries, and even in the Wreck it Ralph films.

Matthew Mercer, the man behind Hit, is also one of the more prominent figures of the bunch. Mercer voiced Fei-Long in Street Fighter 4, Zato-1 in Guilty Gear Xrd, Chrom in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Deadshot in Injustice 2, Stryker in Mortal Kombat since 2011, and is the Dungeon Master for Critical Role.

Check out the full video below to see if you recognize any particular faces and share them in the comments afterwards.

We’d also like to extend a nod to the late Frieza voice actor Chris Ayres, who passed away at the age of 56 back in 2021. We may as well offer a nod to the man behind it all, the late Akira Toriyama, who passed away earlier this year at age 68.
