Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior finalist releases new tier list for Street Fighter 6 Season 2

Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior finalist releases new tier list for Street Fighter 6 Season 2

MuscleNoob, a Capcom Pro Tour World Warrior Finals finalist for the United Kingdom & Ireland, has released a new tier list for Season 2 of Street Fighter 6. Though MuscleNoob states that he’s currently unsure of Terry Bogard’s positioning, he does have him sitting near the bottom of the A tier category.

Of course, the S tier combatants, which indicates who the strongest combatants are, are pretty much who we’ve all come to expect at this point. There are a total of eight characters sitting at the top of the tier list.

According to MuscleNoob, the characters with the best tools in Street Fighter 6 right now are Cammy, Ken, Guile, Ed, Rashid, M. Bison, A.K.I., and Akuma. Notably, MuscleNoob himself is known to be a Ken player.

A tier consists of characters like JP, Ryu, Luke, Dee Jay, Zangief, Terry, as well as four others. These type of characters tend to struggle against those sitting above them, but they could be made to work under the correct circumstances.

Characters like E. Honda and Lily appear to be struggling in the current meta, but there’s one fighter that MuscleNoob has labeled as being the overall worst right now. Indeed, Marisa is the only C tier character in Street Fighter 6.

While looking over the tier list, it’s important to keep in mind that MuscleNoob arranged each character so that the tier list is properly ordered based on fighters’ tools, consistency, damage, ease of use, game plans, supers, and a number of other factors.

Check it all out below:

MuscleNoob's SF6 Tier List image #1

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