Killer Instinct players have been continuing to truck on with the game without any substantial patches in years, but that’s about to change.
Iron Galaxy announced today the details of Killer Instinct Anniversary Edition and what changes are being made to the presumed last big update for the title during their anniversary stream.
On top of the balance updates, KI will be getting a new user interface to change the color scheme to purple and gold and even cooler, all new portraits on the character select screen.
Killer Instinct Definitive Edition will be retired and changed over to Anniversary Edition once that goes live as an upgrade to those who own the game.
Steam is finally getting a free to play version with this, but those looking to jump in will need to drop $30.
According to the developers, 10 out of the 29 characters will not be receiving substantial changes in the update with those being Sabrewulf, TJ Combo, Kan-Ra, Riptor, Hisako, Mira, Cinder, Shadow Jago, Arbiter, and Kilgore.
For the move to Anniversary Edition, all 29 of the playable roster will be included in the free to play rotation instead of the 21 it was previously.
The premium upgrade to Anniversary Edition will come with every fighter and their premium content plus a VIP double XP booster, specialty holiday accessories and apparently some more stuff.
On Steam, players will receive a permanent double XP booster as well as the Gargos Golden God and Agent Shroud colors.
As far as cross-platform play, it’ll remain the same as before. Xbox, Windows and Steam users can play together in custom lobbies, but Steam will still have separate ranked play.
Once the update goes live, users won’t be able to purchase individual content like characters anymore, as everything will be wrapped into the Anniversary Edition upgrade bundle.
Although the update was originally announced to be coming Fall 2023, they haven’t given a release date for Anniversary Edition yet.
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