ROCOR could canonize Metropolitan Philaret, Fr. Seraphim (Rose), and Br. Jose in coming years, says Archbishop of Canada

New York, October 4, 2024

Br. José holding the Montreal Icon, in between St. John of San Francisco and Fr. Seraphim (Rose). Fresco, Holy Dormition Church in northern Moscow Br. José holding the Montreal Icon, in between St. John of San Francisco and Fr. Seraphim (Rose). Fresco, Holy Dormition Church in northern Moscow     

The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia could consider the canonization of three of its most venerated representatives in coming years, according to one hierarch.

“During the meetings of our Synod of Bishops, we have been discussing the possibility of new canonizations,” His Eminence Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada said in a statement to Russian news.

“In particular, we’re talking about glorifying the First Hierarch of ROCOR Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of blessed memory, the guardian of the myrrh-streaming Montreal Iveron Icon of the Mother of God Br. José Muñoz-Cortes, as well as Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose),” the Archbishop specified.

All three men are venerated throughout the Orthodox world, and Fr. Seraphim was ROCOR could canonize Metropolitan Philaret, Fr. Seraphim (Rose), and Br. Jose in coming years, says Archbishop of CanadaFr. Seraphim (Rose) locally canonized in one Georgian diocese (+VIDEO)Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), the righteous American struggler, is greatly beloved and venerated throughout the Orthodox world and many eagerly await his canonization.

“>locally canonized in the Akhalkalaki Diocese of the Georgian Orthodox Church last year. The incorrupt relics of Met. Philaret lie in the Holy Trinity Cathedral crypt at Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, while Br. José, whom many consider a martyr, lies in the cemetery behind the church. Every year, there is a ROCOR could canonize Metropolitan Philaret, Fr. Seraphim (Rose), and Br. Jose in coming years, says Archbishop of Canada24th Annual Pilgrimage to Jose Munoz-Cortes’s Gravesite“Love emanated from Brother Jose’s grave; all around is darkness and cold rain, even our souls would not find warmth and here—Paschal fire emanating from the grave, calling us to spiritual awakening and love.””>pilgrimage to his grave on the anniversary of his slaying (October 31, 1997).

At the same time, it’s already been seven years since His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the now reposed First Hierarch of ROCOR, ROCOR could canonize Metropolitan Philaret, Fr. Seraphim (Rose), and Br. Jose in coming years, says Archbishop of CanadaROCOR gathering documents towards canonization of Br. José Muñoz-CortesThe Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia is currently in the process of drafting and gathering documents for the eventual canonization of the guardian of the Montreal Iveron Icon Br. José Muñoz-Cortes.

“>reported that a commission had been created to draft and gather documents towards the glorification of Br. José.

And according to Abp. Gabriel, the matter of all three possible canonizations is “still in the initial stage of consideration.”

The hierarch said it would be premature to give any exact dating, only that something could happen “in the next few years.”

Abp. Gabriel said that he personally sees no obstacle to glorifying Fr. Seraphim (Rose) in particular.

“I met him when I was studying in seminary, a year before his death. There’s no doubt that he was a man of holy life,” he emphasized.

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