Khaos Reigns will have their own Animalities

Khaos Reigns will have their own Animalities

Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, the large expansion coming to NetherRealm Studios’ blockbuster fighting title, will be available next week. As a result, the folks behind the upcoming additional content have been sharing more details on what fans can expect when they pick up this exciting new update.

Warner Bros. and NRS released the Khaos Reigns launch trailer this week, which showcased a ton of new footage, but to expand even further on that the NetherRealm crew held a new Kombat Kast this morning to reveal even more. During the broadcast, an interesting topic was touched upon that while it was the heavy assumption, we now have a direct confirmation on it.

In Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns, the main roster fighters will be seeing Animalities added to their move lists. The classic finisher type from the Mortal Kombat 3 days is back, and so far, we have only seen previews and glimpses of these new maneuvers for mainstay Mortal Kombat characters.

This had fans wondering if DLC and guest characters would be receiving Animalities as well. While DLC characters that stem from the Mortal Kombat franchise having them seemed pretty much a guarantee, this obscure finisher type has never been seen for any NRS game guests, and thus, people have been asking (more than you might think) if the likes of Ghostface, T-1000, Conan the Barbarian, Peacemaker, Omni-Man, and Homelander will follow suit.

As it turns out, guest DLC characters and all main roster fighters on the cast will have their own Animalities. During the Kombat Kast, the NetherRealm crew confirmed this outright with an enthusiastic response.

“If you’re unaware, just for getting the update for Khaos Reigns everybody gets access to the new Animalities,” Lead Systems Designer Derek Kirtzic began. “That’s for the base roster characters, along with the DLC characters. Everybody has an Animality.”

Lead QA Analyst Stephanie Brownback interjected at this point asking, “But will the guest characters have Animalities?” Derek responded with an excited “OF COURSE THEY WILL!” before noting that some of the guest fighter Animalities are really good.

Community Manager Tyler Lansdown makes specific mention of Peacemaker’s Animality as one of the best ones, which we haven’t seen yet, but unfortunately doesn’t divulge any details about what it all entails.

Kirtzic goes on to reiterate that Animalities will be free for all players as they are a part of the base game update that will be implemented free of charge and will also include new balance changes. This is different than the actual Khaos Reigns expansion which comes in the form of paid DLC and includes the new characters, new story mode chapters, and more.

Of Mortal Kombat 1’s 35 currently playable and announced fighters, we have seen glimpses (or the full thing) of 15 different Animalities at the time of writing this. The Kombat Kast even revealed Takeda’s big finisher, which sees him transform into a giant octopus.

Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns is set for launch on September 24. It will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PC, and Nintendo Switch.
