Andalusia BOE approves $25 million budget

Andalusia BOE approves $25 million budget

Published 9:15 am Sunday, September 15, 2024

System plans special honor for the late Dr. David McCalman

The Andalusia City Schools Board of Education passed a FY25 budget and discussed proposed projects that could be funded through funds from the city’s education sales tax.

The approved budget anticipates $25.27 million in both revenue and expenses.

Most of the school system’s revenue will come from the state at just under $16.8 million. Local tax revenues are estimated at $5 million with federal money coming in at $2.5 million.

The biggest expense for the system is instructional services, which includes teacher salaries, is budgeted at just under $12.6 million. Instructional support expense is budgeted at $3.1 million, operation and maintenance is $2.8 million, and auxiliary services is $2.4 million. Capital outlay projects are budgeted just over $1 million.

Of the system’s teachers, administrators, and other staff, 145.5 are funded by the state, 36.8 are funded by the federal government, and six are funded locally.

The board also discussed projects that will be proposed to the city council for funding through the city’s local education sales tax. The total amount needed for the projects is $1.5 million. They include renovation and maintenance work at the AHS auditorium and stadium; hiring of an additional education specialist, positions that Superintendent Dr. Daniel Shakespeare said have proven to be successful in advancing student achievement; funds for the schools’ art and music programs; construction of a maintenance building, which the BOE would need as match money in applying for a grant; finalizing a sidewalk project around AHS; placing a new PA system in the new cafeteria at AHS; new signage at AHS; funds for technology updates; and salary assistance for STEM programs and interventionists. Shakespeare will present the BOE-passed proposal to the city council for its approval.

The superintendent also presented to the board this year’s enrollment figures for the system. In all, there are 1,835 students enrolled in all grades, an increase of 34 students from last year.

In other action, the board also approved to officially name the press box at the AHS stadium in honor of the late Dr. David McCalman, a board member who passed away last month. In addition to his role as a board member, McCalman also called Friday night Bulldog football games on WAAO radio for many years. A pre-game ceremony during an upcoming football game is being planned.
