FactCheck.org Featured on NBC10, Telemundo62

FactCheck.org Featured on NBC10, Telemundo62

NBC10 and Telemundo62 in Philadelphia featured FactCheck.org in on-air segments before, during and after the Sept. 10 debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Prior to the debate, which was held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Claudia Vargas, an investigative reporter for NBC10 and Telemundo62, interviewed FactCheck.org Director Eugene Kiely and Staff Writer Catalina Jaramillo about our process for fact-checking.

Click here to view Vargas’ pre-debate interview with Kiely for NBC10 in English, and here for Vargas’ post-debate interview with Jaramillo for Telemundo62 in Spanish.

On debate night, Vargas and her production crew were in our offices at the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, to observe the fact-checking process and interview Kiely. You can view that segment here.

Our article about the debate is available in both English and Spanish.
