IRS hiring DEI specialist and the pay’s great

From BizPac Review:

The IRS has previously had troubles with DEI when criminal investigators were forced to undergo diversity training that bizarrely featured content sourced from a black transgender professor who had called for the “death of whiteness.”
“The drills focused on equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice and instructed agents from the specialized IRS Criminal Investigation (IRSCI) unit to question how much they know about different cultural norms and mores and challenged them with the following inquiries: ‘Are you prepared adequately to accommodate different cultural expectations and practices?’ and ‘Can you deliver cultural inclusion behaviorally?’ The course’s introduction, titled ‘Cultural Inclusion is About Justice,’ was provided by a black transgender professor who asserts in an academic article that the high impact of “whiteness” oppresses trans college students,” reported Judicial Watch at the beginning of the year.
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