This unbelievable Street Fighter 6 clip sees two Ed players hit four level 2 super combos back to back to back to back in a real match

This unbelievable Street Fighter 6 clip sees two Ed players hit four level 2 super combos back to back to back to back in a real match

Ed’s level 2 super in Street Fighter 6 is a very strong attack. Firing this maneuver off allows him to send out a large, spinning orb of Psycho Power that hits multiple times, and you can even change how fast it travels horizontally across the screen depending on which strength of button you pressed when activating it.

It’s clear to see why this super has become a cornerstone of Ed’s gameplay in Street Fighter 6, and if you ever needed any further convincing on that front, boy, do I got the clip for you! This insane Ed mirror match clip sees two strong contenders utilize a whopping four level 2 supers back to back, and not only that, each time they do it they also pull off the very difficult to perform Momochi “Dream” combo.

This clip, which was shared by one of the Ed players involved, sees Sasamo and LeShar (two top level Ed players) going punch for punch in a full on battle of attrition.

The tweet from Sasamo comes packed with a caption that simply reads, “STREET FIGHTER 6 DREAM EDITION,” and to start we see the uploader tag the opponent with a swift crouching medium punch into Overdrive Psycho Blitz, which is then cancelled into the first level 2 super.

Naturally, Sasamo goes right for the Dream combo which is an Ed level 2 super sequence discovered by Momochi that involves a series of intricate juggles with the orb to maximize damage and corner carry. This combo is not easy to pull off, but any top Ed player worth their salt knows it, knows its variations, and actively uses it in battle.

Sasamo begins by hitting the devastating combo and carrying LeShar to the corner, then the Ed player fails a safe jump set up which allows LeShar to mount offense. Some quick light hits into OD Psycho Blitz and level 2 super give the other Ed player the chance to show off another Dream combo.

That’s two level 2 supers on the board already, and with LeShar’s sequence we see Sasamo not only taken all the way back to the other corner, but also build up enough super meter from taking damage to generate another level 2. LeShar tries to pressure, but ends up eating a crouching light punch instead, and you guessed it, this combos into OD Psycho Blitz and level 2 again.

Back to the left corner we go as Sasamo manages to land another Dream combo. Like Sasamo did before, this time LeShar taking damage from the combo builds another level 2 super, and on wake up we see LeShar go for a few light attacks, find an opening, and then… well… you already know.

The fourth level 2 super in just 30 in-game seconds comes into play, and LeShar closes it out with another Dream combo.

When I first saw this clip, I thought it was two friends going for some goofy Ed antics in training mode. However, it appears that this was an actual ranked match, and from the looks of it both of these players simply managed to do this just by trying to win the round.
