A Government Designed and Run for All the People: the People’s Manifesto | The Liberty Beacon

A Government Designed and Run for All the People: the People’s Manifesto | The Liberty Beacon

by Steve Cook

At the recent general election, it was very noticeable that the parties trying to convince you to hand them power offered manifestos that promised few if any specific actions that could result in real, tangible benefit for the nation.

Most of them were mainly waffle and even where specifics were promised that were actually desirable there was no guarantee that the party making the promises would actually honour them once in power.

From what I could make out, very little action was offered that would actually address and remove the various embedded, aberrations, corruptions and stupidities that have wound the nation up  in serious trouble. Indeed, subversion of those parties has led to efforts avoid addressing and even strengthening those aberrations, stupidities and corruptions.

One change that is urgently needed is a law that makes manifesto promises legally binding, with any party that, once elected, cannot or will not for whatever reason deliver on a particular promise legally required to be honest with the electorate and say so, and then call a new election where its revised manifesto can be presented for our consideration.

Similarly, parties should be obliged to declare what specific new laws they intend to enact,  with it being illegal for  them to enact actions not declared in their manifesto. That way we can the eliminate broken promises and outright deceit that corrupts much of our politics.

The incumbent Labour Party, for instance, got itself elected to power and the immediately cancelled the winter fuel allowance for millions of pensioners whilst donating £millions to the Israeli genocide of Palestinians, and the bombing of Sudan and a couple of other countries, none of which they clearly stated they would do in their manifesto.

Similarly, in past years governments have gone to war or invaded other countries without the clear permission of the People and so on and so forth.

The principle here is that Parties must set whatever agenda they feel is desirable but they must be honest and forthright about it.

Be all that as it may, I would vote for a government that I perceive to be designed and run for all the people but right now such a government is not being offered to the British people.

Indeed there appears to be very little understanding of what government is actually for, what its products are and whom it is supposed to serve.

Couple this with dishonesty and low integrity by those who crew the ship of state, no clear concept of  any destination and a reckless disregard for icebergs, we have wound up with a corrupt, mismanaged mess that proffers opportunity for criminals the way dung attracts flies.

As a result, people have been befuddled into believing that  the “science” of government is a complicated thing that should be left to experts.

The only trouble is there are no experts. If there were we would not now be facing national demise.

Is coming up with some sensible courses of action that would enable us to improve the fortunes of the nation and its much put-upon people really beyond the wit of man?

It seems to me it isn’t ad never has been beyond the wit of man. What’s missing at this point is a crew that actually WANTS to run the ship in a sensible manner and actually CARES about the wellbeing of The People as opposed to enriching it parasitic pals. But what if we somehow appointed a crew that actually WANTS to do right by everybody on board?

I asked myself this: if someone came along who wasn’t after money or power or having his ugly mug plastered over every billboard in sight and just wanted a world full of happy healthy people to live in, who wanted to help honest people live unmolested by crooks, who was not covertly representing hidden vested interests, what sort of manifesto might he come up with?

So I’ll be following up this introductory essay with a series of essays that build into a manifesto for a government designed and run for all the people.

In many instances you will see that the task was made relatively easy by simply looking at what government is currently doing and not doing it.

Right now, British politics presents us with many things to vote against leaving a huge vacuum of things to vote for that needs to be filled. Hence we wind up with a government that has the tepid “support” of just one citizen in five whilst those who were not inspired to turn out and vote at all forming by far the largest single category of voters.

Hopefully by the time we’ve finished we’ll wind up with something that actually serves – and unites – all The People rather than merely conning them out of their vote.

Watch this space.

Steve Cook is the author of The Worm in the Apple and Lift the Burden (a Blueprint for Ethical Government)

The above was first published on UK Reloaded

A Government Designed and Run for All the People: the People’s Manifesto | The Liberty Beacon


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