Street Fighter 6 Season 2 is now well underway with M. Bison already being in the hands of players for almost two months, and there’s a new guest about to knock on the door to join the party.
And while it seems we know when Terry Bogard’s trailer is dropping for SF6 this week, we may now also have a better idea of when the new DLC character will actually be releasing too.
Capcom had already revealed a few demo locations for event attendees to try out Terry ahead of his launch, and there’s a third that’s farther out than the others, which may significantly narrow down when he’ll arrive for everyone.
First, the Fatal Fury star will be available to play at Capcom’s booth in Gamescom 2024 from August 21–25 in Germany.
This is also where Terry’s actual gameplay trailer will drop tomorrow too in all likelihood.
Following that, Mr. Bogard will be hitting the road and heading to PAX West where Capcom is slated to bring his demo along too from presumably August 30 through September 2.
But that’s not all.
Capcom is also going to be present at TwitchCon next month too with presumably one last location to take Terry for a test drive.
The company states they’ll have a streaming booth set up for creators to showcase Terry at the event from September 20–22.
It is possible that Street Fighter’s first outside guest character could release before that point, but our money’s on mostly likely not since we don’t often see Capcom put on post-launch demos like this.
So Terry is probably going to hit the streets at some point after September 22, but when?
If we had to take a guess, September 23 or 24 would actually be for when Mr. Bogard will arrive on the scene.
We’ve seen in the past with characters like A.K.I. and Akuma in SF6, who received their gameplay trailers around a month before officially releasing for everyone, which would line up nicely with the Gamescom schedule.
That could also leave September 30 on the table too.
Another reason we don’t have Terry coming before that is he’s stated to release in Fall 2024, but the Autumn season doesn’t actually start until September 22 fittingly enough.
If that does come to pass, however, we’ll probably be waiting over three months until Mai Shiranui launches as the next DLC character after Terry since she was scheduled to come during the Winter season next year followed by Elena in the Spring.
This wait may be extra tough if we don’t get any other new content to hold players over since there’s no new outfits announced like there was last year.
No matter what’s coming our way, however, we’ll likely be seeing and learning a lot more tomorrow, August 20, during the Gamescom Opening Night Live event, so stay tuned for that and more coverage on Terry’s chapter in SF6.