Ivermectin – What They Forgot to Tell Us [VIDEO] | The Liberty Beacon

Ivermectin – What They Forgot to Tell Us [VIDEO] | The Liberty Beacon

ER Editor: Well, frankly we can’t say we’re too surprised.

Genuine truth-teller Dr. Mike Yeadon is talking to James Delingpole here in a longer, recent public interview, a 5-minute segment of which has been put out by Tim Truth on Rumble.

In sum, Ivermectin – pushed by so many ‘truther’ docs during ‘Covid’ – is violently toxic to human fertility. And the ‘health’ supplements we often have in our bathroom cabinets tend to block the ability of ivermectin to be eliminated from the body. Well, well.

Yeadon is too much of a gentlemen to name those doctors who were pushing ivermectin on us. He says in the interview that he is yet to write on the subject.

A reminder that it was Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone‘s friend, leading the charge on this from 2020. (And this ISN’T to deny that there are some serious health benefits otherwise to ivermectin, such as in treatment for cancer or parasites. We’ve taken it happily ourselves.) But in this glowing FLCCC profile of the drug, why wouldn’t Yeadon’s claims be mentioned?

The Remarkable Story of Ivermectin

A sample —

Like penicillin and aspirin, ivermectin is a medication that derives from nature.

Although it was little known in advanced health economies before COVID, the drug has an incredible history of promoting health in underdeveloped countries. Approved for human use in 1987, it has been instrumental in tackling some of the world’s most harmful tropical diseases, such as Onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis (also known as Elephantiasis), strongyloidiasis and scabies. It also effectively fights parasitic infestations in animals, which can be economically devastating to the livestock industry.

In addition to being an effective, broad-spectrum antiparasitic, many healthcare professionals have been using ivermectin for decades to treat a variety of other diseases.

“Few, if any, other drugs can rival ivermectin for its beneficial impact on human health and welfare,” wrote Andy Crump in The Journal of Antibiotics in 2017. Crump worked with Satoshi Ōmura, the Japanese microbiologist responsible for discovering ivermectin, for decades.

Our immediate thought upon viewing this video was, ‘isn’t Ivermectin prescribed a lot in Africa? And mightn’t that have nefarious intentions, since sterilization programs are thought to be very active on that continent, including the use of the tetanus vaccine (see here and here)?’ This article mentions the widespread use of Ivermectin in Africa – How 2015 Nobel Prize drug might rid Africa of ancient scourges. Kory above refers to ‘underdeveloped countries’.

A reminder that the Covid vaccine has been a very effective depopulation tool around the world generally.

‘There’s nothing major on the world stage that’s accidental’


See this Dr. Yeadon recently put out about so-called Gain of Function research —

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “What is Gain of Function Research?”

Ivermectin – What They Forgot to Tell Us [VIDEO] | The Liberty Beacon


Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

Ivermectin – What They Forgot to Tell Us [VIDEO] | The Liberty Beacon

Ivermectin – What They Forgot to Tell Us [VIDEO] | The Liberty Beacon


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