When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon

When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon

I have been vastly cheered by the hundreds of thousands of Extreme Right Wingers on the streets of Britain. You probably don’t know this, because it has been radically suppressed, but these people are, in fact, the British working class, the northerners, Labour’s supposed constituency, the ones saying not one more murdered raped brutalized little girl, we are in turmoil and it won’t stop until you listen. They are our canary, they are the first responders to a civilization-ending threat. And I was damned glad to see them step up.

Here’s the nub of it:

ER: We’ve substituted a tweet from Ben Habib, longer than the original Tiktok video that we’re unable to republish —

Add in the almost weekly slaughter of the innocents, the fact that old ladies are afraid in their homes, that women can no longer walk the streets in peace.


When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon

ER: substitute for Tiktok video


ER: see Tiktok video here

When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon

And, two-tier justice:

When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon


The world has never produced a fighting spirit stronger than these people. They take a hella long time to wake up but when they do, they will devastate a continent.

Historian Richard Starkey:


Trafalgar Square:

Which is exactly what one woman was screaming at two Muslim men, standing impassive in front of a mosque. They towered over her, but actually flinched when she yelled, “We’re white, we devastate continents, we start world wars.”

If you need help, you call on these people and their descendants all over the world. Our sociopathic over-lords have been trying to squish this spirit out of us, suppressing this specific foundational ancestral memory for a hundred years. They can’t do it. Isolated on an island, besieged by one conquering force after another since the year dot, overrun by Vikings, overrun by the Romans. Crazed Celts, maddened Picts, whacked out Druids, the cloister of the island created the best fighters ever.

Best fighters ever. EVER.

The Romans were so afraid of the northern Britons they built a wall to keep them out. They called them savages, they called them insane, the mighty Roman legions were terrified. The Romans built Hadrian’s Wall, set a legion to police it, and then proceeded to extract every penny out of the more passive southerners. This is what the Romans heard from over the wall. Still terrifying:


And then, after the Romans left, and the Vikings pulled out, the Scots and English thrones began to fight, and they swept over northern Britain, back and forth, back and forth for centuries.

The center of the island, the people of the border counties for hundreds of years toughened and toughened again. Their villages were devastated, their crops were devastated, the houses were pulled down, their men were killed, their sons were killed. For seven hundred years.

Cumbria. That was their home province, their spiritual home. It was “re-imagined” by the Romantic poets and called the Lake Country. No, it was not pretty and passive. It was dangerous and free. There are namesakes for Cumbrias all over the world, because these people bred. They bred survivors, they bred builders, and I’ll bet, if you counted, they have more descendants than any other “indigenous” tribe that has ever lived, barring China. These are the toughest people on the planet. And their history has been expunged. Why? They are the most dangerous to the New World Order.

These are the people who settled America, these are the people that the Marxist children call “settlers”, who built America, who built Canada in the most inhospitable climate, during the Little Ice Age, beset by indigenous who literally ate people – every tribe practiced human sacrifice – they built a modern country. Two of them. Where everybody wants to live. Not in Britain, not in destroyed Europe, not in South and Central America. In the U.S., and its somewhat retarded cousin, Canada. They created the Cowboy Way, they built the American south, the crackers and cowboys still hold to a fierce independence. They are our roots and we should acknowledge them as foundational.

They won both world wars. This is suppressed too, but modern Canada was originally settled by northern Britons. No one else wanted to come here in the 18th century, it was too bleak, too damned cold. So the most suppressed came, the toughest.. So desperate one-third died on the voyage.

In the first and second World Wars, the Canadians were tip of the spear because they were the fiercest fighters. The socialist trope is that they were cannon fodder. They were not. They were the tip of the spear because the Germans were terrified of them. They threw spam into the German trenches and followed with bombs, they went on trench warfare with weapons they invented, and slaughtered everything that moved. They were not the cannon fodder, they were the canons. They courted death. They were supra-violent. This too was suppressed knowledge. Canadians are the most terrifying fighters in the world.

The global populist rebellion was kicked off by the Canadian truckers.

I found out that I was from one of the Riding Clans of the border long after the more polite ancestral strains were excavated. But it is the one of which I am most proud. The Nicksons/Nixons/Nicsouns were one of The Names of the Scots/English border. This is important: the Names were some of the first surnames taken by the non-aristocratic. They were not serf names, they did not take the name of a natural body like a lake or hill. They were not “profession” names, they were not owned-by-the-laird names. They were the Names of independents, who had claimed a name and held it. I suspect that ours was taken because we wanted everyone to think we were the son of old Nick, so as to terrify. The Names, the Riding Clans, had, over time, given the ceaseless wars in their homeland, become a collection of violent criminal gangs that stole cattle, that hired out as mercenaries, that raided for a living.

There is an apocryphal story of a wife slamming a pair of spurs onto her husband’s tin plate, as a sign that the cupboard was bare and get going idiot.

Elizabeth 1 on her deathbed said that “with 10,000 such men, James 1 could topple any throne in Europe.”

They kept cattle and sheep and in the summers, they would hook everyone up to carts and climb the peaks of the Lake District so their animals could fatten up for the year ahead. The Nixons were a sept of the mighty Armstrongs, and were so eccentric and violent that if you stumbled into Nicsoun territory at night, you were a dead man.


When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon
The Armstrong Reivers

They did not farm because the Thrones would almost certainly devastate every year’s harvest. They did not build houses because their houses would be burnt. They lived in what they called Peel Towers, stone towers, animals on the bottom. The poorest lived in straw and mud huts, and they fought for their lives every single year. Some of them – the most violent – built castles so bleak even film doesn’t show them.

The first surnames.

Why? Because they were independent. They were not serfs, they did not belong to anyone, and they refused domination. The core of every functional army today is still border clan.

The working class of Britain just woke up to the fact that Labour is not on their side, has not been on their side for a very long time.

Tony Blair is a Fabian socialist, and the Fabians were aristocratic authoritarians who want everyone but them to be small, scared and insignificant. It took them a century to own the government of the Britain but own it they do. They took their name from the Roman General who invented the incremental advance, the slow inexorable, profoundly dishonest assault on an enemy. The Fabian strategy.

Which this week was roundly rejected.

Old Britain, the former working class, just took a right turn into populism. And there is no stopping it. This Dutch pretty girl freedom fighter just got her troops.

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Please consider an inexpensive annual subscription. Also I have started a ‘reporting fund’, which you can contribute to separately as well, although there is no need. Absurdistan is free, and payment is voluntary. Thanks to those extremely generous people who did so this week. I want to be in Wisconsin and Delaware County after the election, because all hell is going to break loose in November, the cheat so established, and the hunters loaded for bear. PayPal.Me/ElizabethJNickson.

Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists, How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, fcpp.org. You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here:


Featured image source, Celts:


Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

When The Saxons Begin to Fight Back | The Liberty Beacon
