Author Claims Bill Gates Is Buying Up Land & Threatening Small Farms Under Guise Of Saving Planet

Bill Gates

Bill Gates’ investments in patented fertilizers, fake meat and US farmland is doing more for his bank account than the planet according to a new book.

Author Claims Bill Gates Is Buying Up Land & Threatening Small Farms Under Guise Of Saving Planet

Written by author and investigative journalist Seamus Bruner, the book which was released this week, also claims that the billionares investments in fertilizers and plant-based meats are doing little to slow carbon emissions.

Bruner says that Gates is doing all this under the guise of saving the planet while actually inflating his net worth and trying to seize a monopoly on a vegan future.

The Mail Online reports: A section of the just-released book titled Controligarchs, that hones in on this so-called ‘war on farmers’ elaborates on these claims.

There, Bruner writes how figures like Gates are monopolizing the nation’s food supply with their purchases, paving the way for an at least partial takeover over the country’s food system as families like the Rockefellers have done in the past.

Citing the Microsoft founder’s recent investments in patented fertilizers, fake meat, and some 270,000 acres of American farmland, Bruner writes how Gates – an outspoken advocate for climate action – will capitalize on his speculations.

The takeover of the food system, like so many other control schemes in this book, began with the Rockefellers and was advanced by Bill Gates,’ Bruner writes in his study of the influence billionaires have over Americans.

 ‘Like most of their monopolies – from oil to software and eventually biotechnology – the takeover of food is all about controlling the intellectual property of food production through trademarks, copyrights, and patents,’ he continues.

He goes on to write about Gates’ supposed connection to the Rockefellers through ‘the Green Revolution,’ a period of great increase in production of food grains in the US during the first half of the 19th century.

Those advances, Bruner says, were only made possible by millions of dollars of Rockefeller-funded research in the 1940s, which at the time had been billed to help solve the crises of poverty and starvation in the wake of the Great Depression.

While Bruner concedes this is true in part, the author goes on to write how the Rockefellers – currently valued at $8.4billion among 70 heirs – went on to take credit for the fruits of the effort, while deflecting blame for the negatives.

The negatives, he pointed out, included pollution created by pesticides, and the  consolidation of small farms into sprawling operations – things Gates’s investments appear to support. 

‘The Green Revolution was simultaneous proof that problems like poverty and famine could be solved through human innovation and that the solutions, such as genetically modified pesticide-resistant crops, can present new problems,’ Bruner writes.

Citing ‘pollution, resource exhaustion and the consolidation of small-scale and family-owned farms into giant corporate-controlled farms,’ the writer explains how he believes history is now repeating itself and how he Gates is looking to obtain the intellectual property of food production through a series of trademarks and patents.

‘Rather than take responsibility for the new problems,’ he writes, ‘the Rockefellers took all the credit for the crop abundance while blaming the new problems on the convenient scapegoat of climate change.

‘Now, the Controligarchs [Gates and other investors] claim they can solve the climate crisis with new patented miracle products that happen to make themselves even richer and, once again, at the expense of small-scale independent farmers.’

Late last year, Gates defended his recent interest in agriculture on a Reddit AMA, after many accused him of buying ‘the majority’ of American farmland as part of a plot to cause food shortages.

‘I own less than 1/4000 of the farmland in the US,’ he wrote at the time, after snapping up several thousand acres across 18 states.

In his book, Bruner cites how Gates has invested millions of dollars in companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods – stocks that would likely rise in the event of a shortage. 

He claimed the businessman – the sixth person in the world with a net worth of $115.4billion – could reap the benefits with his other food-related investments.

‘It should come as no surprise that while the peasants are expected to eat fermented fungi, lab-grown meats, and maggot milkshakes, the Controligarchs – with their private chefs – have no intention of doing the same,’ Bruner writes.

‘Bill Gates and Warren Buffett famously love eating beef burgers and steaks when Gates visits his mentor in Omaha,’ he then points out, mentioning Gate’s 93-year-old friend and fellow billionaire.

He adds that Mark Zuckerberg – another investor in alternative protein companies – ‘likes smoking beef brisket and grilling pork ribs (from real cows and pigs) and says meats taste “doubly better when you hunt an animal for yourself,”‘ to illustrate his belief the billionaires, Gates included, have ulterior motives.

At another point in the book Bruner comments on Gate’s recent investments in the fertilizer industry, and how they come in conjunction with over $1 billion dollars spent on farms and the new technologies that run them.

Those assertions come months after United Nations initiative aimed at ‘eliminating extreme poverty, reducing inequality, and protecting the planet’ pushed to ban more traditional and affordable crop nutrients, leaving farmers irate.

Bruner notes how the restrictions on traditional fertilizer that the farmers argue would ruin them were only put into place ‘after Gates and his buddies had secured the intellectual property for the replacement fertilizers.’

‘For more than a decade, as he was targeting the fertilizer industry, Bill Gates has also been quietly buying up large swaths of American farmland,’ the author states.

‘All told, Gates has spent over $1 billion dollars on farm acquisitions and the Agenda 2030-compliant technologies they now employ.’ Agenda 2030 is the aforementioned United Nations initiative

Bruner continues: ‘When Gates buys tens of thousands of acres, he is not just buying the land — he is also buying the rights to water below ground. 

‘In addition to farms (and the irrigation) and fertilizer, Gates has been hunting for sizable interests in water and water treatment — a crucial component when seeking to control the agricultural industry.’

In a statement sent Tuesday afternoon, a spokesperson for Gates slammed those claims – calling them outright ‘false.’

The rep told ‘Bill’s farmland holdings represent less than 1/10th of one percent of the U.S. total. 

Author Claims Bill Gates Is Buying Up Land & Threatening Small Farms Under Guise Of Saving Planet
Author Claims Bill Gates Is Buying Up Land & Threatening Small Farms Under Guise Of Saving Planet

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