Pilot Club member Angie Kelley, right, presents pick-me-up bags to Kaylin Williams, left, and Vickie Stacks, center, at Andalusia Manor. (PHOTO BY ZACK MAIO)
Pilot Club members visited Andalusia Manor for two hours on Wednesday, July 24, and handed out pick-me-up bags. Pictured are, from left, (front) Betty Davis, Janice Langston, Angie Kelley, Barbara Powell, Carolyn Davis; (back) Loretta Black, Mellisa King, Sally Murray, and Mary Claire Thomasson. (PHOTO BY ZACK MAIO)
Members of the Pilot Club of Andalusia gathered at the Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce to put together pick-me-up bags. Pictured are, from left, (front) Barbara Powell, Janice Langston, Carolyn Davis; (back) Michelle Armstrong, Julie Wells, Mary Claire Thomasson, Sally Murray, Loretta Black, Betty Davis, Jackie Hallford, Angie Kelley, and Peggy Eiland. (PHOTO PROVIDED)