A 2019 Essay Details Just What A Horrible, Arrogant Boss Kamala Is | The Liberty Beacon

A 2019 Essay Details Just What A Horrible, Arrogant Boss Kamala Is | The Liberty Beacon

A 2019 essay details just what a horrible, arrogant boss Kamala is

By: Andrea Widburg

Up until about two minutes ago, Kamala Harris was universally acknowledged to be a terrible candidate, an irritating person, an ineffectual vice president with an extraordinarily low rating, and a terrible boss. The second she was anointed as the Democrat candidate, though, that all changed, and her elevation to a status somewhere between saint and rock star began. However, in a digital age, no matter how the media lie or the tech titans game internet searches, the past will find you. The latest example is a 2019 essay detailing just how horrible a boss Kamala Harris really is.

Terry McAteer wrote this in 2019 about his son’s humiliating and demoralizing experience working as an intern for Kamala Harris when she was California’s attorney general. McAteer assures the reader that he vetted the information he wrote by running his essay past his son Gregory, who agreed that his dad had accurately recorded his experiences. Here’s what Gregory described:

Senator Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day.

As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”

Never once during the month-long internship did Harris introduce herself to our son (as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees) and staff was too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgment was a form letter of “thanks” signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service.

Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.

Kamala clearly confused her job as an elected servant of the people with her being anointed by Allah as a Middle Eastern potentate. I’m surprised she didn’t require her employees to bow down before her and then kick their backsides on the way out.

Address her as “General”? Nope, she didn’t get a military honor. The “general” in that title simply refers to the fact that her authority encompassed the whole state, not just a county within the state.

Forbid employees from “look[ing] her in the eye” unless they’re in the privileged inner circle? Nope, she’s not a god or a king.

Young Gregory’s experience mirrored reports from other people who worked for Kamala, resulting in a 92% staff turnover in the Vice President’s office:

In a new report by the watchdog group Open the Books, researchers quantified her human resources problem. They discovered a 92% staff turnover through payroll records.

Half of her staff listed on public payroll records quit in the past year, the organization calculated.


High turnover in the White House isn’t new, but Ms. Harris’ numbers are higher than others.

In the same time span, President Trump experienced a 72% turnover and President Biden had a 77% turnover.

Vice President Mike Pence hired 29 employees during his first year in the Trump administration, and five remained on staff after three years, indicating an 83% turnover rate.

Ms. Harris hired 49 staffers and retained only four three years later.

Past employees described a toxic and dysfunctional environment in the vice president’s office that seemed to worsen as Ms. Harris’ approval ratings sank.

I’ve been working since I was 16 and can say with absolute assurance that the two worst bosses are insecure women and alcoholics. Well, actually, the worst boss of all is an alcoholic, insecure woman.

These women often attain high positions (which is why they were my bosses), but their success never alleviates their insecurity. Instead, it only heightens their narcissistic tendencies. To build a carapace around that empty black hole inside of them, they never accept responsibility, demand worshipful responses from those around them, manipulate people like chess pieces, and are verbally abusive.

You can add to all this the fact that Kamala seems lazy, something reflected in the fact that she refuses to read her incredibly important morning briefings. I suspect, though, that more than laziness drives that. Given that best guesses are that she has a barely-above-average IQ, the reports may overwhelm and even frighten her.

I should note, though, that IQ measurements are very narrow: They measure logic, book learning, and brain speed. We know now that there are several other types of important intelligence, such as emotional intelligence or physical intelligence (knowing intuitively how to use your body).

There’s also something I call “strategic” intelligence, which is the ability to manipulate situations to your advantage. Think of Obama, an uninformed man with a slow wit but one of the most remarkably successful people in modern American politics. The same goes for pre-dementia Biden, a singularly stupid man who managed to advance his career all the way into the White House, and then was a good soldier for the left. Kamala has that type of intelligence.

The question for voters is whether they think someone who is stupid, lazy, and an abusive boss, and whose greatest intelligence is self-advancement is qualified to lead our nation. My answer is “no.” The leftist answer, though, will be “yes” because Obama and Biden were remarkably effective at moving the country to the left culturally, economically, and in terms of national security.

A 2019 Essay Details Just What A Horrible, Arrogant Boss Kamala Is | The Liberty Beacon


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