Latest Street Fighter 6 patch addresses Jamie’s infinite stun bug but Drive Gauge glitch still intact for now

Latest Street Fighter 6 patch addresses Jamie's infinite stun bug but Drive Gauge glitch still intact for now

Just last night, Street Fighter 6’s servers went down for a scheduled maintenance period. This has resulted in a new update for the game.

There is only one patch note to speak about with this latest update. Jamie’s infinite stun bug has been removed from the game.

According to the patch notes, Capcom has made it so that a character’s Burnout status will no longer continue if Jamie performs the Overdrive Tenshin with no follow up. Considering that Jamie has the unique mechanic of being able to restore his Drive Gauge after reaching his maximum Drink Level, he was able to keep the opponent immobilized for an obscene amount of time.

It’s been demonstrated that this was actually possible to perform during a real match. More specifically, this works well against Zangief since his level 1 Super Art is practically useless as a reversal.

For now, it seems that the “infinite Drive Gauge” or “fireball meter glitch” hasn’t been addressed with this latest update. Regarldess, we still suspect that this exploit will also get removed in a later patch.

Check out the patch notes for this latest update below:

Latest Street Fighter 6 patch addresses Jamie's infinite stun bug but Drive Gauge glitch still intact for now

• Overdrive Tenshin (→↓←+2 Kicks): Fixed an issue where the opponent’s Burnout state would continue if Jamie hits a stunned opponent with an Overdrive Tenshin but does not perform a follow-up attack.

Jamie's Overdrive Tenshin Fix image #1

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