More Street Fighter 6 themed murals spotted at sushi restaurant chain in Japan

More Street Fighter 6 themed murals spotted at sushi restaurant chain in Japan

Earlier this week, a mural depicting Street Fighter 6 character heights was spotted at Sushiro, a popular sushi restaurant chain located in Japan. As it turns out, Sushiro is currently running a Street Fighter 6-themed promotional campaign.

HiFight recently uploaded some of the other beautiful shots that can be spotted in Sushiro restaurants. He even showcased a video of what the inside of the store looks like with all the Street Fighter 6 promotional images.

One shot has Luke, Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, and Li-Fen hunkered around a table enjoying some sushi. It’s interesting to note that everyone is wearing their alternate costumes in this shot — except for Li-Fen since she’s currently not playable in Street Fighter 6 and can instead only be interacted with during World Tour mode.

Many fans have pointed out that Ken in this image looks eerily similar to Maximilian Dood, best known as a content creator within the fighting game community. Regardless, it’s clear from this mural alone that the artist is quite familiar with Street Fighter 6.

There’s also another cool shot depicting the current Street Fighter 6 roster (sans M. Bison) in a Street Fighter 2-themed, World Warrior style character select screen. Player 1 is currently hovering over Marisa while Player 2 sits on Zangief’s slot.

It’s interesting to note that Cammy, Ryu, Chun-Li, and Dhalsim, classic characters from the Street Fighter 2 era, sit on the right side of the screen while Luke and Jamie are on the left side. This could be just a coincidence, but Ryu being on the same side that M. Bison and his Shadaloo Kings were on in Street Fighter 2 seems to be a reference to how fans initially played with the idea that Ryu was an antagonist to Luke back when Street Fighter 6 was first announced.

Check it all out below:

Sushri Street Fighter 6 murals image #1

Sushri Street Fighter 6 murals image #2

Sushri Street Fighter 6 murals image #3

Sushri Street Fighter 6 murals image #4

Click images for larger versions
