Armie Hammer denies cannibal claims, but admits to carving initials into ex-girlfriend’s skin

Armie Hammer denies cannibal claims, but admits to carving initials into ex-girlfriend’s skin

Armie Hammer maintains he never pursued any cannibalistic endeavors but admits he did indeed carve his initial into the skin of ex-girlfriend Paige Lorenze.

The 37-year-old “Call Me By Your Name” star, whose career was derailed in 2021 amid accusations of cannibalism and sexual assault, appeared on “Piers Morgan Uncensored” Friday night to address the multitude of claims against him.

“No,” Hammer said, when asked blatantly if he’s a cannibal. “You know what you have to do to be a cannibal? You have to have actually eaten someone.”

The actor denied having ever consumed human flesh — “No, never,” he said — noting that any talk of cannibalism in alleged text messages was just him role playing and indulging in sexual fantasies, as well as shared “proclivities and kinks” between himself and another ex, Effie Angelova.

Hammer also denied Angelova’s accusations of rape, as well as mental, emotional and sexual abuse. He has not been criminally charged for any of the assault allegations against him.

But as for whether he branded Lorenze’s pelvis with an “A,” as she has alleged, Hammer said: “I wouldn’t say brand, no.”

He did, however, claim the pair agreed that he’d “take the tip of a small knife” and trace the initial into her skin.

“There wasn’t even blood in the situation,” Hammer said. “It was just like a scrape.”

During the interview, Hammer also admitting to cheating on his now-ex-wife, Elizabeth Chambers, with “probably more [people] than the average person would be exposed to … I haven’t done the math.”

When asked if he’d slept with 500 people during that time, Hammer said “sure” before walking back the estimate to simply saying he’d been with “enough” people.

Hammer and Chambers, whose divorce was settled in June 2023, share daughter Harper, 9, and son Ford, 7.

Hammer broke down during the Piers Morgan interview when talking about his kids, saying there was a period of time when he wasn’t allowed to be alone with them.


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