Just Love God!

Just Love God!   

We try to start our spiritual lives from the other end—with external deeds, rules, prostrations, Just Love God!The Meaning and Significance of FastingFasting is a necessary means for success in the spiritual life and for attaining salvation; for fasting—depriving the flesh of excessive food and drink—weakens the force of sensual drives.

“>fasting. And often, not seeing union with Christ as the purpose of his life, a man receives nothing from his fasting and prostrations, and thus he becomes despondent and enfeebled and his faith grows cold. But when a man’s goal is to be with God, to draw near to Him, to “smell” God, to see what’s pleasing to God or not, then his soul can truly begin to feel. Indeed, this is our goal—to understand what God wants from us, where to go, how to lead our lives, how to think about God, how to change ourselves.

When a man comes to know God, he’s not reluctant to cast away his Just Love God!Pride and Vanity Destroys Good DeedsThe experience of the spiritual life of our brothers in Christ, who achieved knowledge of the purpose and meaning of life, provides examples of the attitude with which we must enter the opening gates of the Holy Lenten days.

“>pride, his vanity, his egotism, his irritability, his self-exaltation. Then, like a snake shedding his old skin, he becomes new, simple, light, and the Lord descends into his open heart. And the Lord says about this: If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him (Jn. 14:23).

And all the saints whom we venerate are an example to emulate. Every single one of them is as if saying to us: “Look, you can be like me, just love God. Love so that your heart lives and breathes Him, so you understand that God isn’t something alien to you, so you might exclaim together with the Apostle Paul: For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain (Phil. 1:21).

What scares me about Just Love God!Be Not Conformed to This World…Not seeing all this baggage of sin within ourselves, and not repenting of it, we elevate ourselves above others. Our preaching has not the faith of Abram and the love of Christ for our neighbor; it is like the prayer of the pharisee.

“>this world? Wars, Just Love God!Christ Said: There Will Be Pestilences…Pandemics have shown how weak and feeble man is. But they have also revealed that there is no sense in living for the earth alone.”>epidemics… I want to take off this mortal body, to see Christ with my own eyes already, so I might never fall away from Him again. Christ is what I was born for; He’s the One I’ll depart to eventually; He’s my closest friend, my brother, my father!

As Christ Himself said: Whosoever shall do the will of My Father Which is in Heaven, the same is My brother, and sister, and mother (Mt. 12:50). All the saints sought such kinship with God. They became saints because they found this kinship and united with God—not formally, not externally, but internally, deeply, with their spirit, their soul, their body, their mind and senses. And we ask all the saints to give us wisdom and enlightenment, that our minds and souls might wake up and we too might become spiritually sensitive people; that we might sense what holiness is, what the will of God is; that we might learn piety and forgiveness of each other.
