It’s still crazy to think that M. Bison has a combo that deals over 8,000 damage in Street Fighter 6

It's still crazy to think that M. Bison has a combo that deals over 8,000 damage in Street Fighter 6

M. Bison and the new patch were recently made available in Street Fighter 6 via the Year 2 Character Pass. Later in the season, we’ll also be getting access to Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, and Elena.

For better or worse, M. Bison was ultimately banned from being used at CEO 2024. Though we don’t have any concrete details in regards to how relevant M. Bison will ultimately be at tournaments, there’s a lot that suggests that he could end up being top tier in the long run.

One of the things about M. Bison that makes him appear as a top tier is his damage output. Even one of M. Bison’s trials demonstrates how he can deal over 7,000 damage with just one combo.

Of course, it would seem that M. Bison’s damage can rise even higher than that. Recently, HDG|Pochoclo23 showcased how M. Bison can deal over 8,000 points of damage, which is about 80% of a health bar for most characters in Street Fighter 6.

This situation can be set up by simply baiting the opponent’s invincible reversal while they’re trapped in the corner. Needless to say, the standing heavy kick will crumple the opponent if used as a Punish Counter.

Following this, M. Bison can use Shadow Rise and then transition into an Overdrive Head Press, which causes the opponent to suffer a ground bounce. From here, M. Bison can simply combo into a raw Overdrive Psycho Crusher.

The major caveat here is that a Psycho Mine needs to be in play in order to continue the combo after the Overdrive Psycho Crusher. No matter how high M. Bison’s damage gets, he’ll always require at least two hits against the opponent due to his dependence on the Psycho Mine mechanic.

Ultimately, all resources need to be spent to deal this much damage, and then it ends with a Critical Art to deal 8,050 points of damage. Check it all out below:
