Pilot Club of Andalusia makes donations to three local non-profits

Pilot Club of Andalusia makes donations to three local non-profits

Published 11:00 am Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Pilot Club of Andalusia presented three check donations to Meredith’s Miracles, the Full Tummy Project of Covington County, and the Miracle League of Covington County at its business meeting on Monday, June 24, at the Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce.

Outgoing Pilot Club president Meredith Harlos presented a $500 check to Meredith’s Miracles, a $200 check to the Full Tummy Project, and a $250 check to the Miracle League.

A representative from each organization gave a brief update about each organization.

Meredith’s Miracles Executive Director Kiley Spears spoke about the budget of the organization increasing each year.

Full Tummy Project Co-founder Jenny Pate spoke about the need to help feed local children and invited the Pilot Club to a future packing night.

Miracle League President Jill Ainsworth spoke about the opportunities to assist special-needs individuals of all ages with opportunities to participate in baseball and softball.

The Pilot Club discussed upcoming fundraisers and installed new officers and board members for 2024-2025 following the check presentations.

Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the Andalusia Area Chamber of Commerce. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 22.

For more information email pilotclubandalusia@yahoo.com or visit the Pilot Club of Andalusia Facebook page.
