M. Bison has the coolest combos in Street Fighter 6 and Desk proves it on day one of the character’s release

M. Bison has the coolest combos in Street Fighter 6 and Desk proves it on day one of the character's release

Street Fighter 6’s latest DLC character, M. Bison, hasn’t even been available for a full 24 hours and already Desk has churned out a video showcasing some incredible combo potential.

While we’ve seen some fairly intense and enticing beat downs go down in Street Fighter 6’s RE Engine visuals, we’re already sold on Bison having the most spectacular of the roster thus far. Don’t believe us? Watch the video below.

First off, the evil dictator has some obvious advantages thanks to tools like his Psycho Mine maneuver (which currently has a bug) and his trademark Devil’s Reverse flying maneuver.

The former sees the character plant a delayed mine on his opponent, meaning he gets to move about and reposition himself a bit when the explosion goes off and pops his opponent up in the air.

Desk takes immediate advantage of this as he strategically sets up mined foes for combos that would otherwise be completely impossible. We also note that this particular move might make for some practical side switch combos, as shown in the video’s initial combo.

His creative mind thought up to Drive Impact A.K.I. at the height of her leaping strike maneuver as well as to start a combo against Ryu while he’s in the middle of a reversal Dragon Punch so as to begin such sequences with opponents already up in the air.

This naturally leads to more juggling potential which, when paired with the fact that Bison’s tools already give him the credentials to be a full on court jester, lead to some surprisingly long and unexpected strings of pain.

On top of all this Capcom seems to have gone the extra mile with Bison’s animations, making the showcase that much more gripping and jaw-dropping to watch.

Street Fighter 6 has long had noteworthy animations, especially during the more cinematic Super sequences, but developers have taken things to the next level with Akuma and Bison.

Check out Desk’s showcase below and let us know what you think of the awesome power (and combos) of Bison in Street Fighter 6.
