49% of Democrats support banning guns, poll shows

49% of Democrats support banning guns, poll shows

Amid the ongoing debate on gun control in the United States, a recent Gallup Poll found that 49% of Democrats support a ban on handguns, representing a notable divergence from the national consensus based on the poll, which largely opposes a handgun ban.

Gallup’s recent survey showed that 56% of all Americans advocate for stricter laws on firearm sales, which is a notable decline from previous decades. The poll results represent a downward trend from the 80% agreement in the early 1990s and a 10-point decrease from the 66% of Americans in favor of stricter gun laws recorded in June 2022, according to Bearing Arms.

Contrary to the hopes of gun control advocates, the poll showed only 27% of Americans surveyed support a ban on handguns. The poll also showed that a similar minority, about one-third of those surveyed, view a gun in the household as an increased risk.

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However, the poll showed that Democrats are much more supportive of additional gun control measures. According to the Gallup poll, 88% of Democrats support stricter gun restrictions, while 49% support banning handguns in the United States.

While almost half of all Democrats support banning handguns, the Gallup poll found that 37% of Democrats, 67% of independents, and 86% of Republicans believe the presence of firearms in a home makes a home safer. Gallup explained that the number of Republicans who believe the presence of firearms makes homes safer has almost doubled since 2000, while the number of independents and Democrats who believe the presence of firearms makes homes safer has increased by roughly 30% and 9% respectively.

This news article was partially created with the assistance of artificial intelligence and edited and fact-checked by a human editor.

