LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty BeaconYour Host: Luca Majno

After a warm greeting like I always try my best to do, we get right into the show ~ but wait. Not before a little thank you to my readers and listeners. You.

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon

Yes, it has to be said every now and again ~ THANK YOU all so much for your readership and being faithful through my growth, to my learning to become… and so it continues, thanks to you.

After the last time I heard someone scream at me: “Sources!! What are your SOURCES?”, I need to address this, and so it begins, another rant-and-round we go… but wait… A very important message:

We Are Different

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon

As we follow that lead, we visit ALL WARS ARE BANKERS WARS followed by a NEWS*FLASH! and what just occurred with Russia! Instigating, perhaps, fishing for ‘another war’… in our faces… and also, Hezbollah has a strong message for Israel, should it try to attack… So much information in so few days, it all seems to be coming to a head, as the powers that be wish… This we know.

I then tackle the immense IMMIGRATION problem and go right to what I believe to be the source, as my Native American Teachings tell me: “Who started the trouble?

And from The Kalergi Plan of 1925, we jump to The Darien Gap, which I never heard of previously, and I am happy to share this, a huge undertaking in Central America to build a bridge for more massive migration. You read that correctly.

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon

E. Michael Jones is up next, he shares his wisdom on WWII, as he lived in Germany when he was young, and offers a unique perspective, an addition to my learning truths untold… and Stalin, well, a man who doesn’t need an introduction, and I MUST WARN YOU OF THE GRAPHIC NATURE of this segment, it shocked me so much, I had to share it ASAP.

Through my favorite Memes of The Week, we fly through my offering of the best ones, from the manufacture of the Beatles, to the WEF warning of a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION OF THE FOOD SUPPLY, which ties in with the following disaster in IDAHO, government tells farmers to ‘shut their water off‘.

We hear a warning of corruption in Belarus, perhaps of Jewish origin, he hints, and straight to Israel again, and the final warning of the UN and what it has found Israel guilty of (it took them long enough!)

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon

Tools to destroy us all, and the Protocols of Zion are visited next, and through the callers, the magic happens again! ~

Clare Daly is ‘shut off’ mid-speech, as the ones in charge tell her what they think of her, plainy and simply… One needs to hear this.

And in my final offering of the week, I touch on TYRONE HAYES, and his collision with corruption, Big Pharma, Monsanto and Sygenta… A must hear! And I am still digging… But keeping this as a backdrop, we LOOK again at this effeminization of men and the masculinazation of women, and why, as I drop the final bomb, the one about HARVARD. Yes, THE ‘Harvard University’… ‘Order-Followers‘, and ‘obedient-sheeple-in-the-making‘ … No words.

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon


LUCA’S WORLD ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded

(Click on image below to listen)

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon


And, as usual, I want to thank everyone for tagging along, reading and listening… and as I love to say,

We’ll see you next week, Creator Willing!”


I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out as well. A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE … because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on the link below the video to visit site)


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Additional episodes of Luca’s World HERE



LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty BeaconYour Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.

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LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon

TLBTalk – Republic Broadcasting Network – The Liberty Beacon – The Butcher Shop


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon


Stay tuned to …

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCIV (94) ~ UPDATE: Warnings Unheeded | The Liberty Beacon


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