90 parishes unite to support pregnant women in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower

Riverside, California, June 17, 2024

90 parishes unite to support pregnant women in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower     

This spring, Orthodox Christians for Life sponsored the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower. A record 90 parishes from eight jurisdictions joined a nationwide effort to support local women facing unexpected or crisis pregnancies.

The event, which coincides with the Feast of Annunciation and the Lenten season, is an opportunity for Orthodox parishes to partner with nonprofit pregnancy resource centers (PRC’s), which provide free medical care, material resources, and ongoing support for abortion-vulnerable women to help them choose life.

Participating churches received assistance from Orthodox Christians for Life to organize their event, collecting baby supplies for the PRC’s in their local communities. In total, this initiative mobilized over 1,000 individuals to donate:

  • Over 45,000 diapers

  • Around 11,000 packages of wipes

  • $12,146 in monetary gifts

  • Over 2,700 baby outfits/clothing items (excluding socks and shoes)

  • Thousands of other baby items, including cribs, car seats, strollers, toys, and more

90 parishes unite to support pregnant women in the 4th Annual National Orthodox Baby Shower     

Each year, the National Orthodox Baby Shower sparks dozens of new partnerships between Orthodox parishes and local PRC’s.

“Considering how pregnancy resource centers have been subjected to increased attacks and disinformation campaigns from abortion-rights activists since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, this event is a valuable opportunity for Orthodox Christians to unite in support of their true mission–helping mothers and babies,” said Emily Yocum, Executive Director.

“We are thankful for the many parishes shining a light on the noble and selfless work these centers do on a daily basis: meeting each woman in a time of crisis and helping her chart a path forward that involves embracing life, instead of becoming a victim of the abortion industry.”

To learn more about how Orthodox Christians for Life is mobilizing the Orthodox Church for the pro-life cause, please visit www.oclife.org.

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