10-minute LGBT march held in Kiev

Kiev, June 17, 2024

Photo: Efrem Lukatsky (AP) Photo: Efrem Lukatsky (AP)     

After some back and forth with the Kiev authorities, a 10-minute, 20-meter LGBT march was held in Kiev on Sunday, June 16.

Organizers had previously announced that the march would be held in the Kiev metro, though 10-minute LGBT march held in KievThe city of Kiev forbids LGBT pride march in the metroFor safety reasons, the march organizers were asked to choose another location. The announcement notes that if the march is held, the responsibility for ensuring all safety measures lies with the organizers.

“>city officials said that for safety reasons, another location should be chosen, and that the organizers would be responsible for the safety of all participants.

The organizers responded that the march would be held one way or another, with or without permission from Kiev authorities, and in the end, participants marched 20 meters down a Kiev street, surrounded by police officers.

The entire event took about half an hour, reports the Union of Orthodox Journalists, with participants lining up for 20 minutes, and marching for about 10 minutes.

The police also blocked a column of protestors, who managed to rush onto the scene of the march only after the LGBT supporters had dispersed into the metro.

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