Port Priority is returning for its 8th installment and it will be happening in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Big name players attending include Zeta|Acola, LG|MkLeo, Fennel|Miya, FaZe|Sparg0, Solary|Glutonny, LG|Sonix, LG|Tweek, Moist|Light, Zomba, Liquid|Riddles, Hurt, Shuton, Liquid|Dabuz, KEN, Tea and Asimo, though there will of course be many more present as well.
Port Priority 8 is going to have a massive bracketwi for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is the main game at the event, with over 700 players registered.
Outside of the Singles event which is the focus, there will also be Doubles, Squad Strike as well as a variety of other side events for the game.
The only other game being played at the event is Rivals of Aether with a bracket of around 30 entrants.
Streaming is being done at Satellite Smash and BTS Smash.
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All times listed are PDT.
Time Zone Conversion:
EST: Add 3 hours.
UTC/British Time: Add 8 hours.
CET: Add 9 hours.
JST: Add 17 hours.