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The Africa Regional Office And The Malaria Program Strategy Team (PST) Are Recruiting a Senior Program Officer (SPO), For Strategic Partnerships And Country Engagement To Support The Director And Team In Achieving Its Impact Goals By
- Leading a portfolio of foundation investments in Nigeria and providing the Malaria PST and Africa Regional office with regular updates on progress against our strategic goals.
- Identifying new opportunities and partner organizations for the foundation to invest in high-burden areas in Nigeria to drive down morbidity and mortality.
- Defining and evaluating, in close collaboration with our implementing partners, operational research projects that address questions on the technical, operational, and financial feasibility of new implementation strategies and tools.
- Provide technical guidance for malaria investments in close collaboration with our Nigeria country office and Africa regional office and the Malaria PST.
This position is currently Abuja-based but will be Dakar-based (once the office is operational) and will report to the Deputy Director for Health of the Africa Team and the Deputy Director for Strategic Partnerships and Country Engagement of the malaria PST.
What You’ll Do
- Develop, lead, and implement malaria implementation strategies, and negotiate and run complex, performance-based investments.
- Review letters of inquiry, grant, and contract proposals; provide clear, concise, and insightful written analyses and recommendations for the foundation including drafting and editing proposal summaries and progress reports for existing investments for review by foundation leadership.
- Lead internal processes and portfolio progress while ensuring appropriate documentation, budgeting, and reporting.
- Give to the design of new strategies, collaborations, and implementation plans to ensure long-term sustainability and impact.
- Collaborate with foundation colleagues in related program areas to take advantage of cross-sector grant-making opportunities.
- Conduct high-quality interactions and clear and consistent communications with partners in the field.
- Cultivate a sense of urgency for the fight against malaria amongst the implementing partners and an innovation adoption approach to problem-solving.
- Consult with grantees and other partners to enhance the impact of projects and ensure optimal learning. This may include conducting site visits, providing operational guidance, and convening meetings of key stakeholders.
- Represent the foundation with stakeholders who may include public and private entities, partner organizations, other funders, universities, think tanks, and government agencies. May serve on external boards and working groups.
Your Experience
The foundation is seeking an expert in malaria program implementation.
The Ideal Candidate Should Have
- A Ph.D., MD or equivalent in a related field is required.
- A proven experience of 10 years + of working on malaria program implementation.
- Regional multi-country experience in Sub-Saharan Africa is essential. Having worked with or for a national malaria control program will be a strong asset.
- Detailed and up-to-date technical knowledge of malaria epidemiology, WHO policies, and implementation guidance.
- Experience working with global institutions including malaria donors like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria and the US Presidents Malaria Initiative.
- Proven track record of leading and influencing others.
- Experience in strategic planning and strategy implementation.
- High detail orientation and affinity for data, with the ability to artfully manage tactical execution while remaining objective when absorbing and presenting information.
- Demonstrated ability to exercise independent judgement in developing methods, techniques and evaluating criteria for obtaining results.
- Demonstrated excellence in scientific writing and data analysis, written and oral communication skills, and experience advocating and communicating with a broad and diverse audience.
- Demonstrated capacity and initiative to solve problems with energy and a positive attitude.
- Experience in a role requiring collaboration (both internally and externally), prioritization, and results-orientation in a fast-paced, complex organization.
- Intellectual quickness, curiosity, discipline, resourcefulness, and resilience.
- Demonstrated ability to work with efficiency, tact, and flexibility, particularly as part of a team. Experience working in teams with diverse cultural and professional backgrounds.