Juri and Chun-Li slip into swimsuits, bunny costumes, and more in AP Cammy’s sexy Street Fighter fan art

Juri and Chun-Li slip into swimsuits, bunny costumes, and more in AP Cammy's sexy Street Fighter fan art

We’re nearing the official start of Summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere, at least) and that means it’s time for swimsuits and cold drinks. Such a theme is prevalent in our Street Fighter fan art gallery selection today from AP Cammy, who has a particular appreciation and skill for drawing Chun-Li and Juri.

These are two of most popular Street Fighter characters in the world for a handful of reasons, their visual designs surely being major contributors. AP Cammy shows us some beautiful swimsuit drawings, but also puts these two iconic characters in a handful of other interesting cosplays.

Both of our leading ladies slip into golden bikinis to get things going. They both find matching golden hair accessories to go with, though Juri keeps her purple hair streaks for the look.

We then see a variety of looks from Juri as she slips into a pink maid costume, revisits her alternate pajama attire from Street Fighter 6, offers a sexy take on being a Geisha, and then shows off a bunny outfit.

Not to be outdone, Chun strikes a pose in the same style of bunny costume before offering us a cold beer on the beach while wearing a bikini inspired by her Street Fighter Alpha threads (be sure to notice her summery lemon earrings).

We get a few more images similar to the ones described above, but also a sexy, dark nun Juri which admittedly doesn’t really fit in with most of the others in the gallery, but we’re also not going to complain. Check out the full selection here:

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #1

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #2

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #3

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #4

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #5

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #6

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #7

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #8

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #9

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #10

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #11

AP Cammy Gallery Juri Chun image #12

Click images for larger versions

Like what you saw here? We ran a somewhat similar gallery from AP Cammy last summer featuring even more Capcom femme fatales, so be sure to check that out as well.
